DIY Home Automation - ThiDom

ThiDom is a Home Automation solution devloped by myself.
Based on Raspberry Pi who is the core of system ( Web interface, manage scenario, planning ...).
The home automation modules communicate in 2.4Ghz with NRF24L01.
Parts Required
For this project we will be requiring
* Raspberry Pi
* Arduino Uno
* NRF24L01+
* NRF24L01+ LNA + PA
* Attiny84
* Temperatur sensor
* relays
* ThiDom
Building Master Device

To build master device you need :
Arduino Uno
NRF24L01+ or NRF24L01 + PA + LNA
Build a Node

This node allow to manage a relay.
To build you need :
1 Regulator HLKPM01 ( 230V -> 5V)
1 Regulator TLV1117 (5V -> 3V)
2 Capacitores 1µf ( C1206C105J5RACTU ) One in input of TLV11171 and one in output of TLV11171
1 Attiny84
1 NRF24L01
1 Capacitor 4.7µF ( between 3V and GND of NRF24L01 ) ( C1206C475J3RACAUTO )
3 headers strip to temperature sensor
1 resistor 4,7 kohms ( CRG1206F4K7 )
1 relays ( T77S1D10-05 )
1 NPN to activare relays ( SST2222AT116 )
1 resistor 3.3 Kohms to NPN ( CRG1206F3k3 )
1 resistor 40 Mohms ( sensitif interrupt ) ( RH73H2A40MKTN )
1 fuse 800mA ( 0464.800DR )
1 varistor( V275LA20AP )
With this node you can manage thermostat, light and get temperature data
Example of Topology NRF24L01

Website Interface

With the website interface, you can :
* manage your device ( add, delete, hide, show ...)
* make action on each devices( light, thermostat ..)
* See each value of devices
* See history data ( graph, log )
* Manage Scenario
* Manage Planning
Demo Acces
You can try ThiDom, follow link Demo Acces (The actions will not be considered so there will be no visual change)