Gun Cleaning Station

Hi this my Diy Gun cleaning station

2 pcs 1"x3/4"x19"
2 pcs 1"x3/4"x10"
1 PC 10"x19"x3mm
Clear Coat
Small Nails
2 Pcs wood in a Y shape
Bolts x 2
2 pcs 1"x3/4"x19"
2 pcs 1"x3/4"x10"
1 PC 10"x19"x3mm
Clear Coat
Small Nails
2 Pcs wood in a Y shape
Bolts x 2
Be Safe
Always have your gun locked away
Keep it unloaded No Ammo
Keep keys in a secured place
Do not aim gun at any body
Keep Ammo safety stored in a different section of the safe
Check that gun is Not Loaded
Finger away from trigger
Be responsible be safe
Keep it unloaded No Ammo
Keep keys in a secured place
Do not aim gun at any body
Keep Ammo safety stored in a different section of the safe
Check that gun is Not Loaded
Finger away from trigger
Be responsible be safe