Guard Dog Burglar Alarm!

by Kipkay in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Guard Dog Burglar Alarm!

Turn your doorbell into a vicious guard dog alarm! Watch the video then buiild your own and protect your home and family.

What You Need

Guard Dog Burglar Alarm Parts.jpg

Build the Circuit

Following the schematic, make the connections between the rectifier, diode and relay. You will need to bench test your relay to determine the input and output connections as well as the )+) and (-) connections on the rectifier.

You will end up with 4 open wires. Two coming from the relay and 2 coming from the rectifier.

NOTE: My doorbell circuit generated 18V from the transformer with 13.5 volts AC at the doorbell ringer. Your doorbell voltages may be different and the circuit may have to be designed specifically for your voltages.

Finish the Connections

Remove the playback button on the recording module by bending back the two tabs on the back.
Solder the two connections coming from the rectifier to the playback contacts.

Pick the audio cable of your choosing (I used a mini female connector on a length of wire with bare leads) and solder the two connections to the speaker terminals on the recording module. This will allow you to directly input audio to the recording module.

Load Your Sound Effect

Run the sound effect of your choice and press the recording module button to record the sound to the module. I used this one and edited it a bit.

Make the Final Connections

Plug an audio cable into the cable your soldered to the recording module. This is also the output as well as the input. Connect it to the Wireless Transmitter. Connect the two wires from the relay to your two contacts on your doorbell. Connect the output of the Wireless Receiver to your stereo system. Connect a 9 V battery to the recording module and your Guard Dog Burglar Alarm is finished!

When the doorbell is pressed, the recording module will playback the sound effect and send it to your stereo system. You can adjust the audio by walking outside to see what sounds best.

I hope you enjoyed this Instructable!

What You Need