GoPro to DSLR Mount

As a photography and videography enthousiast, I got inspired by the short movie 'Above SF' by Marc Donahue to make a short movie myself about my upcoming trip to Warsaw. I have a DSLR camera and a GoPro Session, so I only had to find a way to connect them together.
Which I eventually did!
​Things You Need for This Instructable:

- your DSLR's hot shoe cover cap
- GoPro piece
- a strong glue ( one that can hold plastic together )
- an electric multitool ( with a cutting and sanding tool )

I started by cutting away the plastic that I no longer needed. After measuring the length and width, I added some marks on the bottom of the GoPro piece to make sure that I didn't cut away to many plastic.

After the cutting process, I sanded the GoPro piece and washed it in water to get rid of the fine dust.
Make sure you'll add small cuts to the hot shoe cover to get a better connection between the glue and the hot shoe cover.
Glueing the Two Pieces Together

Finally I glued the two pieces together by following the steps on the packaging of the glue.
Final Photo

Now you'll have your own carefully crafted piece to put your Go Pro on your DSLR camera.
I hope you enjoyed this Instructable ( Which is my first... ).
Questions or remarks? Drop a comment below.