Glowing Gin and Tonic

Drinking from a glowing jam jar is sure to get a comment or two and if you use it on a camping trip it can help with illumination.
The inspiration for this simplified project came after seeing an instructable which used a glass flask filled with glowing liquid. The liquid being tonic water - shining a UV light on it causes quinine in the tonic water to fluoresce.
Plastic Jar
CR2032 Battery
Tonic Water
Gin (Optional)
Hot Glue Gun

Solder a couple of uv LEDs to a small CR2032 battery holder.
Simple Shortcut

Hot Gluing

Fix Out the Jar

Drill a hole in a suitable plastic lid of an empty jar (maybe jam or peanut butter jar) to allow a plastic drinking straw to be inserted.
Hot glue the battery holder to the underside of the lid, next to the hole. Check the lid can still screw onto the jam jar.
Checking Banknote

The UV LEDs can be tried out by checking banknotes as most will have a marking only visible under ultra violet light.
Add Tonic Water and Turn On