Glam Up a Shoe With Cordage

Give a shoe new life
Well-Loved/Worn Pair of Shoes
Scrap Denim (I used different shades of blue) - Any sturdy fabric can be used
Leather Cord
Contact Glue
Masking Tape
Small Paintbrushes
Kebab Sticks
Tape Measure
Straight Pins
Chalk or Marking
Shoe Buckles
Fabric for Inner Lining
Prepare Shoe and Fabric Pieces

Stick masking tape over shoe where material must be replaced with your chosen fabric.
Draw out the pattern as close as possible, to the shoe style/pattern
Remove masking tape pattern from shoe.
Stick the masking tape pattern piece onto fabric.
Cut out all pattern pieces from fabric or denim.
With contact glue paste pattern pieces onto the shoe.
Take care with right and left side pieces of shoe.
Allow to Set and Trim

Leave shoe for about 20 minutes for glue to dry.
Tidy all frayed threads and excess fabric not attached with glue.
Leather Cord Placement

Start placing leather cord over shoe where pattern pieces join.
I used straight pins in the beginning to keep cord in place,
But found it easier to put contact glue on the spots where cords will be,
Leave glue for about 1 minute and place cord over glue, pressing with fingers to hold cord in place.
I suggest one might have to wear gloves for this purpose.
At some areas two cords suffice, and at some place three pieces of cord are needed.
At certain spots a curved pin or hook is needed to thread cord through.
Measurements and Heel Cover/Cap Pattern

Take measurements from top of foot to the arch of foot,
as well as from the same point on top of the foot, to the Achilles heel.
Take measurement around heel, to the Achilles, along the middle of the foot.
Using the measurements, draw a flat-bottomed cone shape onto white fabric for pattern.
Place pattern fabric onto lining and outer fabric, and trace with seam allowance.
Cut out pattern pieces for heel cover/cap.
Sewing Darts for Heel Cover/Cap

Draw darts where fabric would curve, on each side of the heel cover/cap,
as well as on the lining.
Sew in darts, on both the lining and outer fabric.
Once the darts are sewn in, cut away excess fabric of dart to avoid unnecessary bulk.
When complete, it should have a curve.
Leather Cord Prep for Straps on Heel Cover/Cap

Fold 28 cm pieces of leather cord in half.
Weave leather cord through the buckle parts, and back in on the leather loop itself.
Sewing Buckle Sections Onto Heel Cover/Cap

Measure two centimetre from points of cords.
With masking tape place cords in place, on right side of lining fabric.
Place outer heel fabric over lining and cords.
Sew heel cap close, making sure to reverse stitch over cords.
Leave a section of heel cap not sewn to turn cap right side out .
When right side is out, sew open section to close.
Fitting Heel Cover/Cap to Shoe

Iron heel cover/cap, concentrating on seams.
Take white pattern piece, and make a slit into pattern piece for shoe heel to fit through
(NB: The pattern piece is a mock-up of final product)
From the pattern piece, mark on the heel cover/cap where the slit would be.
Make a slit in the heel cover/cap, and ensure to reinforce the edges.
I just sewed in a 46 mm buttonhole.
Optional Step:
Take a length of leather cord and glue it around the sole of the shoe, to cover the points of leather cord
in Step 3.
Touch up areas where glue removed shoe color, with matching shoe dye.
Ready to Wear

VoilĂ !
Your upcycled shoes can be worn with or without the heel cap, as shown.