Giant Paper Flower, Home Decor [VIBGYOR in RIBGOVY Order]!
by Revathi_Kannan in Craft > Paper
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Giant Paper Flower, Home Decor [VIBGYOR in RIBGOVY Order]!

Very recently for one of the earlier contest, i created a home decorative with paper flower. And they all are quite normal size and they were kept in a frame so they are more a showcase part with lovely flowers.
In continuation with that, i started to prepare big size flowers almost same as that of the smaller ones.
And here in this instructable, i would like to describe the things been done to prepare Giant Paper flower that could be hang on a wall tightly fixed with screws. For some instructions i would refer to the previous tutorial, to let know the method.
So lets get started.
Btw, at the end of this instructable if you find this project impressive, please do vote for me!
Smaller version:
Please refer next step.
Required Supplies
Paper work
Chart paper, thick enough
Glue options - Glue sticks & glue gun, glue drops, quick glue, white glue etc
X-acto knife
A4 colour sheets
Acrylic colours
Chopsticks, to make curves for the flower petals
Wood work
Plywood board - to mount the flowers to decorate. Here i have used 9mm thick plywood sheet remained from my previous work.
Drywall screws
Wood glue
Hacksaw or any tool to slice the wooden pieces
Metal clips
Clear wooden varnish
Paint brush
Giant Rose - Prepare the Stencil

We are gonna use chart paper of two sizes - 11cm and 9.5cm curved at the sides. The hand made template is used to stencil out the petals out of the chart papers.
Giant Rose - Curving the Petals

Almost for all flowers i followed a method to curve the petals with chopsticks which will give more realistic look for the flowers.
Giant Rose - Forming the Base

To form the base, we would use a circular shaped paper to form the bottom part and paste the petals(11cm, outer row) adjacent to each other.
The same way, after a level is reached we would the 9.5cm petals to fill the inner side (excluding the centre part).
Before proceeding to do the base, we will have to:
1. Cut at the centre part of each petals.
2. Paste the right side over the left so that they look curved inwardly.
Giant Rose - Centre Part

To make the centre part, we would prepare a different stencil with petals(9.5cm) at the four sides and more a circular structure at the centre. And paste one petal over the other such that the petals are packed closely.
While packing closely make sure to use glue to stick them together.
Orange - Giant Rose, Completion.

So once the loosely packed outer petals and tightly packed centre part is completed, we will have to place the centre part at the inner side of the outer petals/base part. Use glue wherever required.
Blue Flower - Petals

Like how i prepare the template for rose i prepare a slightly different petals for this blue flower. Two layers of same sized petals.
Blue Flower - Pistil/Centre Part

For centre part, i wanted more contrast so chose a salmon pink a4 sheets sliced to thin lines at the centre folded in half. Later they are rolled up, to form a bunch.
And before that to add some contrast i used deep purple colour papers for the centre part and used salmon pink to surround it.
Neon Pink Flower

I wanted to make this neon pink to resemble more a chrysanthemum. So the patterns are continuous in a sheet and thus the bunch is closely packed to look more volume. Centre part is bright yellow with straight line cuts over the sides packed tightly.
Purple Zinnia

Recently i started with seeding process to grow zinnia in my terrace garden and they have grown 1-2 inches as of now. So here i have made a purple zinnia(which i have never seen in real).
Petals are closely packed and the centre part is coated with metallic gold acrylic to bring contrast to the purple.
Colour variation in the photos are due to lighting in the room.
Sunflower - How Did I Do?
For sunflower, i followed exactly the same process as i how i did for small ones through my earlier work. So here i provide the pictures and details of them in steps.
[Small] Sunflower : Making of Seed Head & Disk Florets

We require orange and black colour sheets for the seeds bunch, as closely related to the real flower for reference as in the image.
To a 20 cm length and 4 cm wide black coloured paper strips, i folded it at the centre(across the length) and made thin cuts(at the folded side). I rolled up the thin strips with cuts and attached one strip with the another and continued until i get a required size for the flower. To a 20 cm length and 4 cm wide orange colour paper strips, i made a straight line(with pencil) across the length to make a mark to the length i should cut the paper. Then i folded the strip across the length and started to cut in a triangle like pattern(as in the picture). We can also multi fold it, so that we can do various paper cuts at the same time. Now using a Popsicle stick i gentle pressed upwardly so that the triangle like pattern are slightly tilted upward. Applying glue(below the line marking with pencil) now these orange paper strips were wrapped around the black seed bunch prepared earlier. I used two orange paper strips, with triangle pattern facing toward the black part and one orange paper strip facing the other side, so that their arrangement is similar to that of disk florets.
[Small] Sunflower : Making of Ray Florets

We require bright yellow colour paper strips of equal length. Here i have used 20 cm x 4 cm paper strips.
I made a line across the length to make partition for the glue part and the florets. And did a outline of the florets with pencil over one side of the strip(as in the picture). I multi-folded it, so that one time cut across the outline creates many florets at a time. With each of the floret, i made a small cut near the glue line and gently folded the side part towards the florets side. With such pressed side, i stick it to the florets part. Now with the ray florets made ready these were stick to the side of the disk floret with glue applied below the lines at the ray florets. First and second row were made in alternative criss-cross patterns.
Yellow - Giant Sunflower, the Making

Red - Anemone, the Making

I wanted the Anemone in red, and add buds and small blossoms. So here we have:
1. Fully blossomed flower
2. Partially blossomed
3. Buds
And the small flowers are tightened to the base(screws) with the help of copper wires.
Woodwork, to Prepare the Base

I used 9mm thick plywood pieces attached to each other, with the help of wooden glue.
Mistake : Using Magnets.

At first i thought i could use magnets(at the backside of the board) to make it plug with the nails fixed to the wall. But the magnets were not able to hold the board. So removed the magnets and used clips instead.
Applied(1 Coat) of Wood Varnish to the Dried Boards

Arranging the Base, Fix to the Wall!

Other Flowers, the Making!

Green - Leaf Patterns!

The leaf patterns were hand drawn using pencils on to the chart and then cut using x-acto knife over the outline.