Getting Started With Eclipse in 5 Steps

by vn_ky in Circuits > Software

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Getting Started With Eclipse in 5 Steps

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Hello everyone, this is my first Instructable . I'm a beginner programmer trying to learn JAVA, a programming language . So, first of all to learn a programming language we have to practice it well and one of the tools to implement java is ECLIPSE.

Eclipse provides you with IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and it works if u have JDK(Java Development Kit) and JRE(Java Runtime Environment)

Downloading Eclipse

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You can download Eclipse here

  1. Once u move on to the link you'll find a drag down bar on the right top of the screen where you can select your OS.
  2. Then click on your PC computability weather it is 32 bit or 64 bit.
  3. Once u click, the Eclipse zip file starts getting downloaded.

Extracting Eclipse and Opening

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  • Once the zip file gets downloaded you can go to your downloads and extract the file in your desired location.

(I prefer you to extract on to the desktop)

  • The extracting procedure can be understood through the image provided.
  • Once u extract the file go to the eclipse folder and you'll find the application , it can be seen in the second image.
  • Click on it and it asks you where you have to store the projects that you are going to do, you can create your own folder or you can use the default one by clicking on ok.
  • Now you will be guided to Eclipse .

Creating Project

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As soon you open Eclipse you'll get a welcome page, just close it.

  • To create the Java project you have to click on file select new and then click on Java Project.(image1)
  • Now you need to name your project, I'm naming it as Tutorial1.(image2)
  • Select JavaSE-1.6 as Java Runtime Environment as it is the one compatible for most of the machines .(image3) and click on finish
  • Now the project Tutorial1 will be created in the package explorer.
  • If u click on the arrow before the project name you can see source folder and JRE system library .
  • Source folder is the place where source code files are gonna go and JRE system library contains a lot of things included in our project.

Creating Class

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  • A Class is basically a test file which contains a bunch of code in it, you can create any number of objects in it. Whatever is inside the class stays inside the class as far as execution goes and code will not be changed. To create the class
  • File ===> New ===> Class
  • Here you need to name your class, I'm naming it as HelloWorld (the first letter of the class should be a capital).
  • Don't bother about package name Eclipse will create a default one.
  • Select the method, method is the one from where the execution of the code starts.
  • Then click on finish
  • There the class will be created in the default package inside source folder.

Execution of Java Program

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Now you have created class and inside the main method you need to write the code

  • The basic command will be " System.out.println("//anything you need to print//"); "
  • The above command prints anything that is within the double inverted commas.
  • I'm typing My first Java program inside the inverted commas.
  • Now to run the java program click on Run on taskbar and again click on Run.
  • Now select class as resources to save and click on ok
  • Now at the bottom of the window in CONSOLE you can find the text inside the parenthesis.
  • You have just implemented a java program.


This is my first Instructable and sorry if I didn't mentioned anything in detail, please suggest me on terms of improving myself. I would like to hear any feedback from U.

Thank you :B