Get Well Soon With "THE CONCOCTION"
by Lorddrake in Living > Health
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Get Well Soon With "THE CONCOCTION"

these are a few of my least favorite things.
As winter looms large on the horizon, so do winter colds.
In an effort to battle these nasty afflictions, I offer you this handy-dandy, cures-what-ails-ya, guaranteed 100% snake-oil-free recipe. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Time tested and Grandmother approved. Come one come all, step right up and get your copy of this one-of-a-kind tincture.
Growing up it was always just referred to as "THE CONCOCTION" (insert lightning flash and ominous dun-dun-dun sound)
For years I was convinced that the reason you got better from using it was that after the first dose your body knew that if it didn't get better more doses would follow so it would forcibly evict the germs by any means necessary rather than taste that mess again.
It may taste like the north bound end of a south bound horse .. but this stuff works. Taking it twice a day when needed, I rarely have to take it for more than two days in a row.
It turns out that the ingredients actually have medicinal properties.
According to the website DoctorYourself, apple cider vinegar has special infection-fighting properties and may support a healthy immune system. The oleoresins of ginger show up as ingredients in many cold and flu remedies, states the Mayo Clinic. Despite the lack of clinical evidence to support the use of ginger, the ginger root has a long tradition as a remedy for systemic and local infections, according to "The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants." According to the book "The Honey Prescription," by Nathaniel Altman, honey's enzymes make hydrogen peroxide, which may fight infections both internally and externally.
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The Recipe

1 tablespoon Honey
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
a splash of warm water
combine ingredients in a glass and swirl it around really good and chug it down.
The ginger powder will dissolve in the liquids but the cinnamon powder won't so you want to make sure that you get a good swirl going so that you get everything out of the glass.

Honey and the Common Cold
Maryland family doctor Ariane Cometa, MD, who describes herself as a holistic practitioner, likes to use a buckwheat honey-based syrup to ease early symptoms of a cold. She says it calms inflamed membranes and eases a cough -- the latter claim supported by a few studies.
In a study that involved 139 children, honey beat out dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and diphenhydramine (an antihistamine) in easing nighttime cough in children and improving their sleep.
Another study involving 105 children found that buckwheat honey trumped dextromethorphan in suppressing nighttime coughs.
"If you're suffering from a cold or something going on in the throat or upper airways, getting on board with honey syrup will help fight infection and soothe membranes," says Cometa, who also recommends a buckwheat honey-based allergy medicine.
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Cinnamon has been used to alleviate indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal spasms, nausea, and flatulence, and to improve the appetite, and treat diarrhea.
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Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment
Ginger contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. When nausea accompanies an illness, ginger root (Zingiber officinale), warms chills, fights infection and alleviates stomach distress. Scientists have isolated several chemicals (sesquiterpenes) in ginger that have specific effects against the most common cold virus; the rhinoviruses. Some of these chemicals are remarkably potent in their anti-rhinovirus effects. Other constituents in ginger, gingerols and shogaols, help relieve cold symptoms because they reduce pain and fever, suppress coughing and have a mild sedative effect that encourages rest.
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Apple Cider Vinegar

The main way ACV cures what ails you is by restoring homeostasis to the body. Here's a top 10 list:
1. Balances the inner ecosystem - making the internal pH more alkaline. Disease prefers an acid environment, provided by processed food, among other things.
2. Detoxs the body - cleanse your body and kidneys easily. In this way it cures chronic fatigue.
3. Weight loss - breaks down fat.
4. Cures allergies - pet, food, environmental.
5. Cures sinus infections, headaches, sore throats, and flu.
6. Clears acne, contact dermatitis, warts, varicose veins, and other skin problems.
7. Lowers high cholesterol and high blood pressure, often in a mere 2 weeks.
8. Kills Candida (and yeast infections) and fungus, and populates the gut with friendly microflora (good bacteria and yeast). This usually stops sugar cravings as well.
9. Used to ease arthritis, stiff joints, and gout.
10. Strengthens stomach acid to eliminate acid reflux and heartburn (because contrary to what Big Pharma says, its weak stomach acid that causes acid reflux).
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Constipation and Diarrhea
Constipation and diarrhea can be helped with apple cider vinegar. notes that both conditions can be fixed by mixing 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with an 8-oz. glass of water and drinking it three times a day. Apple cider vinegar contains a significant amount of pectin, which is a water-soluble fiber that improves digestion and normalizes acid levels in the stomach. For constipation, apple cider vinegar helps by assisting the body in performing natural bowel movements, and for diarrhea it acts as a protective coating that helps soothe the colon's irritated lining. To make apple cider vinegar more palatable, it can mixed with either apple juice or grape juice instead of water.
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