Genji Duck Tape Sword

by Vito_KCAL in Craft > Duct Tape

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Genji Duck Tape Sword


My teammates and I decided to make a replica of Genji's Sword from the video game Overwatch. The making of this project allowed us to become familiar with tools and machines, such as the CNC Router. Considering we are Engineering Seniors in High School, us becoming more familiarized with these tools/machines helps us ready for future engineering jobs and college.

What Will You Need?

It actually doesn't take much to replicate this project. Below are the tools and materials you will need:


- CNC Router*

- Computer with Adobe Illustrator

- Hand Sander (Sand Paper alone will also get the job done)

- Belt Sander

- Exacto Knife

- Scissors


- Duck Tape (In this case we went with green, grey, and black Duck Tape and cost about $6 per roll)

- MBF Wood (Runs at about $10 for a 2x2)

Set Up the Sword Outline

Sketch Instructables.PNG

In order to use the CNC Machine you're going to need an outline so it can cut it into the wood. This is where Adobe Illustrator comes in:

- First you're going to need to either draw the outline or get it from online.

- Next import it into Adobe Illustrator and resize it to your liking. In this we made it a 36in x 36in square with the sword within it.

- Save it and get ready for the fun part.

CNC Router Cut

CNC Cutting

The CNC Router makes our lives way easier by being able to cut out anything for us. This is where the project really kicks off!

- Get the computer with the Sword outline and hook it up to the CNC Router.

- Align your sheet of MBF Wood so the machine can cut it properly.

- After the alignment start the machine and watch the magic! Make sure to keep an eye on it though just incase anything goes wrong.

- Once the CNC Router is done cutting out the sword make sure it is fully cut out.

-There is a chance that in some parts it didn't cut through all the wood. In this case just grab something such as a saw to complete the cut out and separate the sword from the rest of the sheet of wood.

Light Sanding


The sword cut out is going to be pretty rough and well... not too pretty looking when its out of the CNC Router. This is when we give it a quick sanding:

- Grab the Hand Sander and go over both the front and back of the sword to smoothen them out. The hand sander is very useful here because both sides are flat. When sanding it down you can either do circular motions or back and forth motions.

- Now that the front and back of the sword are sanded down get some regular sand paper and proceed to sand down the sides.

- Once it is all sanded down wipe the sword down with a rag to remove any wood dust left on it.

* If you don't have access to a hand sander, regular sand paper will also get the job done.

"Sharpening" the Blade

Sharpening Sword using belt sander

Now that the sword is smooth and pretty you are going to be using the belt sander to give it and edge. This step can get pretty tedious and long but it pays off. It gives the sword the "Sword Look".

- The key to giving the sword its edge is keeping pressure where it is getting sanded. If you look at the video my left hand is applying pressure over the area that is getting sanded while my right hand is moving the sword and adjusting at the angle that I want it sanded. Putting pressure over the area getting sanded allows for the development of an nice and even edge.

- Keep doing this until you get the edge to your preference.

Duck Taping the Hilt


Now that sword's shape has come together it is time to make it look like the real deal. We are going to be using three colors of Duck Tape to give the sword its design.

- Go ahead and start covering the hilt of the sword in grey tape. This is somewhat of a base.

- When wrapping the tape over the edges cut slits into the tape so it can adjust and fit to the sword thus making it smooth and clean looking. You don't want a bunch of humps. For the most part you can just cut a single slit but for some you might want to cut two creating a slit like a V.

- For some areas like the bottom of the hilt don't be afraid to use many smaller pieces instead of a few large pieces of tape.

Second Duck Tape Layer of the Hilt

Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at 11.26.56 PM.png

Now to finish off the handle.

- Get the black tape and wrap it around the hilt.

- Start at the bottom and slowly make you're way up the hilt. Make sure to leave some space on each end so it makes the sword more realistic looking.

Duck Taping the Blade

Genii Sword.jpg

This is probably the step that will take the longest because it has so many details. This is where were gonna use the black and green tape to finish off the sword.

- First you need to add a base of black tape to the blade. I recommend taping it from hilt to tip of the blade and not from top of the blade to the bottom of the blade. This is because it reduces the amount of creases and seems.

- The exacto knife is going to come in very handy to remove any of the excess black tape (which there will be plenty of).

- Make sure to take your time and watch out for any air bubbles.

- Once the whole blade is taped black, grab the green tape and add a strip on each side beginning at the bottom of the blade (the edge).

- After the green strips are applied get a sharpie and draw on the outline for the wave pattern.

- Now carefully use the exacto knife to cut along the sharpie outline you just made.

- After you cut along the line gently peel off the excess GREEN tape. Make sure not to pull off any of the lower layer black tape.

VIOILA! Now You Have a Genji Sword!

We would like to take a moment to thank you for reading through our Instructable. If you made a sword of your own we hope it looks awesome!