Flower Planter

I made the above Flower Planter for my Mother several years ago, it has seen better days. I brung it home, to maybe redo or replace some parts. But trying to take apart, after applying glue, wasn't a good idea. Ended up breaking it apart. Savage the shapes to use as a pattern. I will try my best show how I made a new one.
I have also included the video of me making this, which might make better sense, than these instructions.
You will need the following:
Jigsaw or Scroll saw or both
Pocket hole Jig ( I used a Kreg)
Pocket hole screws
Rustoluem Kona Stain
Paper Towels
Outdoor Satin Clear Finish
Cutting the Lumber to Size

I purchased some common lumber from Home Depot, plus had some on hand. I cut the following pieces:
2 pieces 27 3/4" long x 9" wide x 3/4" thick
1 piece 27 3/4" long x 5 3/4" wide x 3/4" thick
1 piece 27 3/4" long x 7 1/4" wide x 3/4" thick for the bottom shelf.
2 pieces 33" long x 7 1/4" wide x 3/4" thick for the side rails

I traced the shapes of the original onto the new boards. I think I used a piece of old furniture base mold for the original pattern.
If you don't have a pattern, try to draw something similar, you only need half the pattern, then flip it over for the other half. As for the Heart and handle cutouts, I remember just free handing them.

I used a Scroll Saw and a Jigsaw to cut out the shapes.
Note I used a drill bit to make the pilot holes for the Jigsaw blade.

Then I sanded the profile shapes on a Sander.
Routing Edges

I put a 1/4" Round over bit, in my Router Table and went over all the edges.
Add Texture

I decided that I wanted to add a texture look to the boards. I bought the above Paint stripper, installed it into my Drill, and went over the boards that was going to show.

I stained the wood, using Rustoluem Kona stain, let set for about 3 minutes, then wiped off the access. Allowed the parts to dry for a few hours or overnight. Then sprayed a couple coats of Rustoluem Matte clear sealer.

After the clear coat dried, I used my CNC for the Welcome and Humming Birds, if you don't have a CNC, either use a stencil or Paint the lettering.
Pocket Screws

Make my marks on the boards for the location on pocket screws, Then clamped the Kreg jig and drill the holes.

Once I had all the parts ready, it's time for assembly. Just attach pieces with pocket screws as shown in the pictures.

Took the finish piece to my my Mom's house and she put her flowers in the containers. Added a plant and decorations to the bottom shelf.
I think it turned out Great and my Mother loved it. I hope this gave somebody a idea.
When I built the first one, the Blue one, I had no plans, just winged it.