Fermenter Bubble Counter

Schematic, stripboard and sample ESP8266 code for publishing fermenter bubble counts to ubidots (Home (ubidots.com))
The aim is to use a few consistent parts
- EE-SX1070 Photomicrosensor
- Stripboard 5x13
- 2 x pullup resistors 10k and 100k
- Wire
- WEMOS D1 Mini
- Dupont male to male connectors - red, orange and black
- Bubble Airlock
- Farnell - farnell.com
- AliExpress - AliExpress.com
- Ebay - ebay.co.uk
- TinyCad - TinyCAD
- VeeCAD - VeeCAD Home
Photomicrosensor Circuit

Build the Photomicrosensor Circuit
- Cut the stripboard to size
- Create the rear breaks
- add the front wires
- install the components
the .per and .dsn files are avaible here

Add the Photomicrosensor Circuit to the Bubble Airlock
- Hot glue the Photomicrosensor to the airlock
Attach the WEMOS D1 Mini
- Add the dupoint wires as per the PDF
- Upload the sketch
- SX1070 for testing
- Bubbles for ubidots integration
- Configure ubidots to display the data
- Ubidots | Dashboards for a live view
the .ino sketches are available here and attached
Fill the bubble Airlock
- I have calibarated the threshold* to a matching bubble cell of water
*If you want to use a different type of bubble airlock** type then you need to mark the water level and adjust the threshold value by trial and error
**I can update the calibration method if anyone is interested

Monitor the result using a combination of the bubble count results, specific gravity you can determine when primary fermination is complete.
- Specific gravity reduces rapidly
- Typiclly within 24-72 hours carbon dioxde is produced resuting in a rapid number of counts per minute (10's)
- Within 24 hours specific gravity levels out but still dropping
- The bubble count reducs to a small number of bubbles (1's)
- Within a further 72 hours the specific gravity is unchanging
- Bubble production is zero.
- At this point if you dry hopping then bubble production will restart but only for a mixium of 12 hours.
- Bubble production is zero.