Felted Dino

by ellaolive22 in Craft > Fiber Arts

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Felted Dino


Make this SUPER EASY needle felted dino to add some cuteness to your desk or shelf!


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You will need the following for this project:

  • Colored Needle Felting Wool (Multiple Colors)
  • Needle Felting Needle
  • Scissors
  • Leather Finger Coverings
  • Plastic Eyes
  • Awl
  • Foam Pad

Dino Body


First you will have to get your wool! Pick any color you would like. I picked a coral-y pink color for mine. Next, roll out your wool and then roll it back tightly together. Once you've finished that, you have to stab the wool. But don't forget to put your leather finger coverings on before that. Take your needle and stab your wool until it gets nice and compact. (See second picture.) Try to give it a peanut-like shape like I did.

Dino Back, Belly, Face, and Eyes


Now, take more of that color wool you used and cut it to fit the back of the dino. You need to do this step so you don't just see one long roll of wool, but volume. It should be round, not arched. You can do the same thing to the face to give it sort of a snout. Then, take your awl and poke two holes to insert the eyes. Lastly, get another color (I used yellow) of wool and cut it to fit the belly and stab it until it's ready. Try to do a color that will contrast with it.

Tail, Arms, and Legs


This step will pretty much be your last. You have to take your first color of wool and stab it into a cylinder like shape. Make a long one for the tail, and four short ones for the arms and legs. I ran out of the coral color wool for the last two legs, so use your wool wisely and be sure that you have 3.5 grams of wool to begin with. Once you've made all of the tail, legs, and arms, stab them into your dino body.

And........ Your Done!!!!


I hope you had a fun time making this super cute needle felted dino!!!