Fakevavite,A Taste of Norway

If you've ever been lucky enough to travel to Norway will have been introduced to the pleasure of Aquavit, the local spirit.
Flavoured with caraway and fennel its the Norwegian equivalent of scotch or vodka. It is however difficult to find outside Scandinavia, and expensive when you do.
I intend to show you how to make Fakevavit, a reasonable facsimile of this

1, Bottle of clear grain spirit (Vodka or the like)
2, 8 grams Caraway seeds
3, 4 grams Fennel seeds

1. Weigh out 8 grams of caraway seeds and 4 grams of fennel seeds.
2. Toast seeds lightly in a dry saucepan to release the essential oils. Be careful not to burn them.
3. Allow to cool, and add to the bottle of spirit using a piece of paper rolled into a funnel.
4. Cap and shake.
5. Shake on a daily basis for 5 days.
6. After 5 days strain the spirit into a jug to remove seeds, and wash bottle.
7. Return to bottle and cap.

Sit back and enjoy a glass of your very own Fakevavit, and dream of your time in Norway.