Fake Error Message

Hello, everyone. This Instructable tells how to make a fake error message with Notepad. Don't worry -- it's just fake; it won't damage your computer.
Copy and Paste Code

First you must copy a code and paste it to Notepad. This is the code:
x=msgbox("Your Message Here", Button+Icon, "Your Title Here")

Customize the buttons of your error. Replace "Button" with one of the following numbers:
0 - OK 1 - OK and Cancel 2 - Abort, Retry and Ignore 3 - Yes, No and Cancel 4 - Yes and No 5 - Retry and Cancel

Customize the symbol of your error. Replace "Icon" with one of the following numbers:
0 - No Icon 16 - Critical Icon (a.k.a. "X" icon) 32 - Question Icon (a.k.a. "?" icon) 48 - Warning Icon (a.k.a. "!" icon) 64 - Info Icon (a.k.a. "i" icon)

Customize the title of your error. Replace "Your Title Here" with whatever you want the title to be.

Customize the message of your error. Replace "Your Message Here" with whatever you want to say in your error.

Click "Save As" and type in your title, followed by .vbs.

You can find your error in your Documents folder. Open the file to view it!