FLOWT Light Drone System

by MikkelHMikkelsen in Workshop > CNC

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light switch.gif
night time.jpg
FLOWT is a dynamic light system, build from one or more base stations + one light drone for each station. Imagine coming home a late night when its complete dark outside, you get out of your car and try to find your way to the door. Now this will no longer be a problem! FLOWT registers your arrival, the drone light unit takes of, tracks your movement and follows you around until you enter you home or leave in your car again etc. This means that you no longer need to have lights installed for every 2 meters around your property, also you are no longer restricted to follow the trail of light poles, but free to go wherever without having to think about bringing a flash light or stumble over unseen obstacles.

GEO-FENCING You can bring FLOWT for a late night walk or have it geo-fenced to your property, so that it automatically will head back to its base station when you leave the property, recharging for the next time you need your path illuminated.