Extraordinary Fat Bomb Coffee Recipe
by sunshiine in Cooking > Coffee
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Extraordinary Fat Bomb Coffee Recipe

A couple of months ago our neighbor was telling us about a great tasting coffee that boosted their energy levels. We decided to give the coffee a try because for several years my husband's energy levels has gone down and he was tired all the time.
We spoke with the nutritionist about the coffee and he discussed the advantages we could expect from the coffee and explained how the fat and oils were beneficial to our bodies.
We purchased what we needed to start making the recipe he formulated and this instructable will share what we have learned about healthy oils and fats and how to make a great tasting fat bomb coffee and the benefits my husband received from drinking it.
Healthy Benefits

This is what I have learned about the benefits of some of the ingredients I list in the fat bomb recipe, I am sharing and in time I will learn more.
Basically the Original Bullet Proof Coffee and recipe was developed by Dave Asprey who during college developed a taste for Frappuccino . He spent several years experimenting to try and develop a coffee and recipe that did not include milk or sugar or cause highs and lows. He began testing different coffee beans and discovered the coffee bean itself was not causing the highs and lows but rather the production process and that is how the Bullet Proof Coffee was born. There are many different versions of fat bomb coffee recipes out there. The recipe I share was created by the owner of the nutrition center we go to and has a lot more ingredients than the Bullet Proof recipe. I have not tried the original recipe and it could cost less but my husband loves the flavor of this coffee and is the kind of guy who does not like change.
There are many benefits of consuming healthy fats and oils, for instance; grass fed butter is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, vitamins a,k,d,and e.Butter from grass fed cows have a richer flavor and a brighter yellow color than regular butter. Grass fed butter is rich in Retinal a fat soluble vitamin a and is beneficial for the skin and eyes.
Coconut oil contains medium- chain-triglycerides, ( MCT's) go directly to the liver and are converted into energy instead of storing them. Drinking the fat bomb coffee gives a quick release of energy without the jitters.
Peppermint oil boost your energy levels and improves concentration.
Pink salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements and and helps balance blood sugar.
Dark chocolate contains plant phenol's, known to lower blood pressure.
After learning about the benefits of grass fed cow butter and how our bodies uses oils and proteins to function properly, I am leaning to the conclusion it just might be the reason my husband's parent's lived well into their 90's! His Dad was a rancher and his mom's family were farmer's.Their diets never changed. They ate the typical cowboy recipes cooking from scratch; high fat, high protein diets and consumed a lot of prize winning fruit pies! Perhaps it is not so much the food itself that causes all the health problems today but the modern methods of growing and processing the food.
Ingredients and Utensils

If you are under a doctors care for an illness, it is important to ask him if you can consume fat bomb recipes like this one. Some people can't consume coconut oil, because it can raise cholesterol levels.
Make a pot of coffee and while it's brewing, measure the rest of the ingredients.
1 1/2 cups Freshly Brewed Organic Coffee ( I buy the Billy Goat brand ).
1 teaspoon Bullet Proof Cacao Butter (a flavor enhancer and is known to improve heart health and available here .
1 teaspoon Organic Coconut Oil ( slowly increase as your body adjust; to 1 Tablespoon or more if desired, I buy it at Sam's.
1 teaspoon to 2 Tablespoons Bullet Proof Brain Octane Oil (start out with 1 teaspoon and work up to 2 tablespoons or more as your body adjust to it here: Bullet proof it is available at Amazon also.
1/4 teaspoon organic MCT oil I bought mine at a nutrition center or you can purchase it at Amazon
2 Tablespoons Grass fed butter (I buy the Red Feather canned butter from New Zealand) .If buying the canned version do not store the opened butter in the can. Red Feather grass fed butter or you may substitute ghee or purchase grass fed butter in the dairy section local grocery stores.
1 teaspoon Collagen Protein powder Bullet Proof Collagen Protein
2 Drops Stevia I have been looking for Stevia Select Pure Stevia Powder but it is not available in my area yet. Available at most grocery stores.
1 teaspoon Stevia Cocoa syrup I have been wanting to try organic cocoa powder but haven't tried it yet. Syrup available at health food stores and here
2 Drops Food Grade organic Peppermint Oil ( optional )( Health food stores )
1 tiny pinch Pink Salt ( optional ) Pink salt contains beneficial minerals.Walmart or health food stores.
French press or Coffee maker, measuring spoons, (whisk, blender,or milk frother). Milk frothers are not available in my area but I do plan to purchase one online very soon. They will work better for single servings than my bullet.I have seen them as low as $10.00.
Add Recipe Ingredients to Coffee

All you do is add the fat bomb ingredients to the hot coffee and mix using a frother, whisk or blender until a nice head of foam appears. If you see any oil at the top it is important to blend it a little longer so the oils are well incorporated into the coffee mixture. I generally do not microwave anything that I am making from high quality ingredients because I do not want to lose any nutritional value from them.
Pre-measuring Ingredients

My husband drinks 1 cup of fat bomb coffee a day and drinks a cup or two of regular coffee during the day and early evenings. I can't increase the amount of fat bomb ingredients to make a whole pot of coffee so I make individual servings in advance and place the mixed ingredients in small snack bags and store them in the refrigerator to save time. I like to store the cacao butter in the refrigerator during the summer months because it softens too much at my house. Chilling the cacao butter is quite hard so I generally use a food grater to grate the cacao butter so it mixes better with the other ingredients to form a paste like mixture.
I made a fat bomb cookie recipe from the paste (by reducing the amount of oils in the recipe) to form a firm paste and spoon small amounts of the paste on a parchment lined cookie sheet and chill them until they are firm. These make a very tasty snack to satisfy a sweet craving. They melt rather fast so they need to be eaten immediately after removing them from the refrigerator.
The cookies in the last pictures were an experiment I made and were actually pretty tasty. I am trying to develop a snack that does not need to be refrigerated so my husband and keep one in his pocket at work and pop it in his mouth when he need a boost. I am still working on a solid recipe for this. I am almost there.
Final Thoughts

My husband has been drinking the fat bomb coffee for two months. In the beginning he was thinking he wanted to go on a no carb diet but when I made them, I caught him eating sweets along the way. I decided to continue making low carb meals without mentioning it to him.During this time he has had a higher level of energy than he has had for many years. His appetite has increase a lot, causing him to double his food portions and I haven't seen him eat that much in a long time! The things we have been doing has reduced his desire for sweets to the point they don't taste very good.I plan to continue cooking low carb meals as long as he does not complain. They told us at the nutrition center he will probably gain weight on this program. Strange that a person can gain or lose weight on this diet.
A man was in the store when we purchased the ingredients for the coffee and he told us that him and his wife were very over weight and he lost 150 pounds in a year on the keto diet. I forget how much his wife lost. So hopefully my husband will gain back the weight he has lost over the past few years and have more energy to do things that he enjoys and I could benefit from losing a few pounds along the way.
I have never liked coffee and after tasting this recipe I must confess it is quite tasty.
Thanks for stopping by to take a look and I hope you give this recipe a try.
Have a splendorous summer~