Pretty Pom Pom Slippers

This is an easy way to beautify and decorate your slippers with a little yarn. Not to mention make it fluffy and slightly more comfortable.
Spool the Yarn

Take a small piece of yarn and insert it between your middle and ring finger. We will not spool this so we can use it to tie a knot later.
Spool it around your pinky and middle finger about 50 times.
Tie a Knot

Once you are done spooling cut the excess yarn and slip it off of your fingers. Then, tie a double knot between the two ends of the yarn. Pull it hard to make sure it's tight.
Cut the Arches

Cut the arches on both sides of the spooled yarn. Pull and trim on the excess pom pom sticking out.
Glue to Slippers

Glue the Pom Pom to the from of the slippers. I find it easiest to glue it in 3 locations so it does not flop around and rotate.

Enjoy your new beautiful slippers