Easy LED Tie

Bored of all ties looking the same? Worried you wont stand out during an interview? I'm not saying having a glowing tie will help but its easy fun and cheap to make! It attracts attention during any event and is bright enough to be seen in most light. For about $12 you can get the materials to make 25 different ties if you wanted to.
Be warned, this device no longer functions, to prevent this add
130-180 ohm resistors to each pair of leds. I am making a new guide soon, for a RGB tie, Keep an eye out.
To make a "Glow Tie" here is your shopping list, I recommend eBay:
- 9+ LED's (I used 5mm rgb, I only used blue but I have plans to upgrade it)
- 2 position switch (on and off)
- 9v battery clip
- 9v battery (A cheap one lasted me over 5 hours)
- Hookup wire (I used 22 gauge so it would be sturdy)
- Soldering iron or station
- Solder
- Wire cuters
Resistors can also be used but I found them unnecessary for this project.
It helps to have your tie in hand for this part, measure/approximate the distance from the top to bottom of your tie. Cut 3 pieces of wire to this length, or a little less; these will be used as a ground and 2 power rails. Bend the anode and cathode of the LED's straight and place them on your 3 wire rails in the desired pattern. Mark the wires where the leads make contact and strip them at the marks.
Soldering and Assembly
Place the wiring and solder the 9 LED's on the Stripped wires, keep in mind the center wire is negative. Solder the LED's and test them before moving on.
Solder a Switch to the middle negative rail.
Creatively combine the 2 other rails, I made mine like a tie shape.
Finally, solder the 9v battery clip to the middle pin of your switch and your rail joint.
Testing and Finalizing
Hook up a 9v battery and make sure your switch and all the LED's are working. Cut off any extra wire/leads to avoid shorts. After everything is operational I recommend taking a hot glue gun and coating every connection to add some durability.
Installation is very tie specific, some may have a inner layer you simply slide the circuit up in, some (like in my case) you can fashion a pouch for the circuit and battery with a bit of scrap material. You may even be able to attack it to a necklace and hang it behind your tie, experiment and enjoy your LED tie!.