Easy Homemade Compost

Hello everyone!
This easy homemade compost will make your plants so happy! This compost uses 3 ingredients that you probably already have in your house, eggs, bananas and coffee. So once you use them to make scrambled eggs, a cup of coffee, or just to eat the banana, instead of throwing away the eggshells, banana peel, and used coffee grounds, save them and give them a second use!
Before starting, I wanted to make a brief analysis of why these ingredients are of great help to your plants.
- In this compost eggshells are the star ingredient! they're excelente source of calcium, roots and stems are dependent on calcium for strength and proper development. Calcium assists in breaking down soil nutrients such as nitrogen, and it supports other minerals in moving through a plant’s system.
- Banana peel helps your plants grow strong roots, and it also helps enable good distribution of water and nutrients. Potassium helps regulate plant enzymes and supports your plants in growing stronger stems.
- Coffee contains carbon, nitrogen, and other compounds that feed soil organisms. Growing them creates a diverse population of soil microbes, which are the foundation of healthy soil for plants.
So, with that being said, you can see this combination is powerful. Do it every 2 weeks and your plants will thank you.
Now, let's get started!

There aren't really specific measurements for this compost, but I'll give you an estimate of what I use, the idea is to have a decent amount of each ingredient.
- 10 eggshells.
- 8 tablespoons of used ground coffee.
- 4 banana peels.
- 1 to 2 cups of water.
- Blender.
- Mortar and pestle or a plastic bag and a rock.
Crush the Eggshells

- Leave the eggshells outside to dry.
- Once they're dry, use a mortar and pestle to mash them (or a plastic bag and a rock).
- Use a few eggshells at a time to make it easier to handle.
- Try shredding until it breaks into little pieces.
Mix Everything Together

As shown in the images, mix all the ingredients in the blender. Add water to make it easier to mix.
Pour the Compost on the Plants

1. Before pouring the mixture, move the soil on the plants for a better distribution of the compost.
2 & 3. Pour the compost on the soil of the plants, until it covers the soil layer.
Absorbing the Nutrients!

Now, your plants are going to absorb all the nutrients that we have added to them. In a couple of weeks they will look better than before, shiny and beautiful!
Also, don't forget plants must have sunlight and water.