Easy Beanie From Old Sweater

In this Instructable I show you how to make a quick beanie from an old sweater.
It's an easy sewing project. Can be done in 5 minutes.
All you need is
- a sweater
- sewing machine (or just old school needle and thread)
- scissors
An alternative for sewing can be fabric glue
Check Out My Quick Video Tutorial!

In this video I show you how I made my beanie from an old sweater.
Along with the video you can follow the (easy) steps below :-)
Cut the Fabric

Cut out a piece of fabric long enough to fit your head.
The height will be about the height of your beanie, some like them taller others shorter. At least make sure your it will fit your head ;-)
Fold, Cut, Sew

- Fold the fabric twice
- On top cut out a point shape
- unfold the fabric and you will have 4 points at the top
- Sew (or glue) the seams (inside out)
- Turn the beanie the right side out

Done, and ready to wear.
Thank you for checking out my Instructable ;-)
Please also check out my youtube channel