Easter Bunny Carrots

by KidsCrafts in Cooking > Candy

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Easter Bunny Carrots

Circus Peanut 2.JPG
Spangler Candy has come up with yet another fun craft! For the upcoming spring season, or for an everyday carrot cupcake topper, circus peanuts make the perfect candy carrot!

Marshmallow carrots can be made in just a few minutes with a bag of circus peanuts and a little imagination.  This Easter craft for kids, as well as adults, is age appropriate for everyone. Have fun putting these all around the house in plastic eggs, in Easter baskets, or just pop them in your mouth as is.

Supplies for Candy Carrots:
1 Bag Spangler® Circus Peanuts
Green licorice

• Unwrap Circus Peanuts and lay them out.
• Squeeze one end of the Circus Peanut; do so until your marshmallow candy comes to a point.
• Drag toothpick across the top of the circus peanut in a stripe. You can alternate between short lines and longer lines.
• When you are done creating creases in your marshmallows, mimic the lines of a real carrot.
• Now, you are ready to insert the licorice ‘carrot tops’.
• There are two types of licorice, pull and peel the will automatically be the size you need, however the more readily available type is standard. For this kind, you can make a slit following one of the lines. Cut along each rivet in order to make skinny slivers of licorice.
• Take each strip of licorice and cut in half.
• Next, use a toothpick to poke a hole in the top of the carrot about half an inch deep (opposite the pointed end).
• You may need to make two holes consecutively in order to fit the licorice. Take two-three pieces of licorice and insert the ends into the hole.
• Make sure to push them in as far as you can. You can leave the licorice carrot tops longer, or trim them to your liking.
• To keep the ‘carrots’ fresh, you can put them in an airtight container, or plastic zipper bag.