Dynamic Shooting Support Instruction Guide
by atom_OT in Outside > Hunting
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Dynamic Shooting Support Instruction Guide

I made this piece of adaptive equipment for people who have various levels of strength deficits or impaired trunk control. It provides stability while reacting to shooter's movement capabilities and can support power wheelchairs or manual wheelchairs.
I have included the instructional guide to be a community resource for anyone who can benefit from it. Hopefully it will be straight forward to follow and easy for people to replicate.
General firearm safety should be practiced with this device. The designer is not responsible for equipment malfunction and user assumes any risk associated with using firearms and shooting equipment.
Dynamic Shooting Support (DSS)

This is the title slide introducing the device to help streamline the replication if someone would like to build this.
Tools Used

This is the third page showing what tools were used and provides estimated build time. The build time factors in the 3D print components, but overall assembly is approximately 2 hours once 3D print components are ready.
Component List and Cost Breakdown

This was designed to be flexible and allow for interchanging between people, but overall cost can be reduced if you are making only for one individual by removing the locking carabiners and just attaching the paracord/rope straps to the end of the PVC pipes which I will re-iterate later.
3D Printed Firearm Base

This provides a link to my device on Thingiverse with all parameters and STL files. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4671572)
Firearm Base Alternatives

I included ideas for low tech alternatives to make feasible for a larger audience. (I have not tried the PVC base alternative yet but I plan to and will update once I have. Either way I would recommend padding off the u-bolt or using 2 separate bolts with the u-bolt bracket to prevent marring of firearm)
3D Print Parameters

These parameters are also listed on the Thingiverse link. Depending on your printer set up you might be able to reduce build time and change your parameters to maximize efficiency.
1 1/2" PVC Cut List

I tried to make this where you can either follow based on the pictures or by reading the descriptions. In my updated version, I have rounded corners but as long as the edges are smooth, the corners have not impacted anything in my experience.
DSS Base Assembly

Glue all of the highlighted areas with the exception of the vertical (53") piece into the top opening of the 4-way connector. This allows it to be broken down into 3 sections for easy transportation and set up.
1" PVC Cut List

I also tried to make this where you can either follow based on the pictures or by reading the descriptions. You do not need to drill all the way through the end of the 30" pieces of PVC pipe because the carabiners only hook into on hole.
Overhead Assembly

Follow the instructions on this slide, but in summary
1) heat up the 3-way connector
2) use bolt to help press bearing into position and allow to cool
3) use PVC cement to adhere components leaving slight angle into upright
4) attach carabiners with locking mechanism facing to outside away from individual using device to hold in place
5) tie 1/4" paracord to alternating buckles to paracord bracelet (to allow for rapid attachment/detachment) and tie a knot on ends to prevent lines from falling through if it slips
This is the step where if it is not going to need to be adjusted for a variety of wheelchair heights, you can get it the appropriate height and just tie the rope straight to the hole in the PVC pipe.
Paracord Bracelet/Strap Fabrication

This one can seem intimidating if you have no experience with paracord projects but if you follow the diagrams and instructions it should not be too bad. Main take away is make sure you run the paracord through the bottom of the firearm base prior to going through the far end of the bracelet (to save yourself frustration from having to undo anything). I will also provide a youtube tutorial that can be used for reference that is also included in my references for this design. You could also take a pre-made paracord bracelet if it is the correct length and cut one end and slide it through the base then re-attach the buckle and melt the tie off/melt the paracord back together to make sure it does not come undone while using.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKSGg2IuCLI&list=PLpxrgn36fbOWnTQAWWRJ3yTFr1hm piEu&index=42
References and Licensing

I welcome any feedback to improve performance or accessibility to try and allow as many people to benefit from this as possible. Thank your time looking through my instruction guide. Happy building and enjoy it!