Drill Press Bread

Do you know what 'transhumance' means?
According to wiki transhumance is 'the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures'.
I never could have said it better.
What livestock is to rather normal people, is my drill press to me.
In weektime (when my wife is at work) my drill press lives in the kitchen, and in the weekends (when I'm glad to have my wifie at home) she lives in my workshop (my drill press).
A drill press is something wonderful to have in the kitchen, believe me. I'm using it to make highly airy dough, for example. Flour, yeast & water in a bowl, power on and a few minutes later that dough is yours!
Easy, enjoy!
According to wiki transhumance is 'the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures'.
I never could have said it better.
What livestock is to rather normal people, is my drill press to me.
In weektime (when my wife is at work) my drill press lives in the kitchen, and in the weekends (when I'm glad to have my wifie at home) she lives in my workshop (my drill press).
A drill press is something wonderful to have in the kitchen, believe me. I'm using it to make highly airy dough, for example. Flour, yeast & water in a bowl, power on and a few minutes later that dough is yours!
Easy, enjoy!
Shape a Paddle

The key ingredient of this setup is a large paddle drill.
Start shaping - I'm still experimenting to find out the most optimal design - a nice piece of untreated wood (beech is just perfect), using plane & jigsaw, and use a circular saw to cut a groove in the top, where you'll insert that paddle drill.
An inox screw will secure the whole (there has to be already a hole in the drill).
Some sanding & oiling and you're done.
Start shaping - I'm still experimenting to find out the most optimal design - a nice piece of untreated wood (beech is just perfect), using plane & jigsaw, and use a circular saw to cut a groove in the top, where you'll insert that paddle drill.
An inox screw will secure the whole (there has to be already a hole in the drill).
Some sanding & oiling and you're done.
Start Paddling!

Move the drill press into the kitchen.
Fix it with heavy bolts - if you have an intelligent but not so strong wife - to the kitchen workplan.
Or with normal sized torx screws - if she's not so smart.
This is surely the end of female votes on my projects... Just kidding ladies! ;)
Put a bowl on the base.
Fix the paddle to the drill.
Add flour, beer, yeast, insects or whatever you want to pimp up that bread.
Power on!
Hold the bowl with both hands and start the magic...
You'll see, it's a shame why this setup doesn't appear standard in, for example, the ikea catalog!
Fix it with heavy bolts - if you have an intelligent but not so strong wife - to the kitchen workplan.
Or with normal sized torx screws - if she's not so smart.
This is surely the end of female votes on my projects... Just kidding ladies! ;)
Put a bowl on the base.
Fix the paddle to the drill.
Add flour, beer, yeast, insects or whatever you want to pimp up that bread.
Power on!
Hold the bowl with both hands and start the magic...
You'll see, it's a shame why this setup doesn't appear standard in, for example, the ikea catalog!