Double Cheese Lasagne Recipe

500g ground meat
200g feta cheese
200g mozzarella cheese
1 can sieved tomatoes
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 glas cream
150g paprika slices
lasagne noodles
salt, pepper, paprika, chili flakes

Fry the meat in a hot pan and scatter salt, pepper, paprika & chili flakes to it. When it looks good add paprika, chopped & sieved tomatoes and stir it a few minutes. Grab an oven form and give a bit of it in it. Crumble a bit feta and mozzarella cheese in the form. Cover it with lasagne noodles. Make a few layers like this to the top of the form.

Make a nice top layer with a lot of cheese. Give 1 glas cream to it and 1 glas water. Put it in the oven at 180 degrees celsius circulating air for about 30 minutes and enjoy.
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