Device Charging Station

With blue tooth headphones, fitness tracking watch, a music cell phone, normal cell phone, and, often a camera my rat's nest of charging cords was starting to get out of hand.
I decided it was time to build a cord holder to keep it neat. I wouldn't have imagined how much of a time saver it has been. I must have been spending 5-10 minute per day combined looking for the correct cord for the correct device.
This project is also 100% recycled lumber.
Panel wood (I Used some old cabinet doors)
Glue and your preferred screws
Tools: Saw(band, saber, scroll, ex.),Drill and bits
Planning and Layout

I decided 14" long would be about the right size for my space. I would recommend changing dimensions slightly to fit yours.
I cut 14 inches out of the middle of the larger cabinet door to be the main bed and was left with about 7 inches of scrap on each side.
I then took the bed and placed my phone on it and lifted it until it got to an angle where my phone started to slide. The hope is my phone will stay on the angled surface and other clutter will slide off.
I marked a bit below where my phone started to slide as the angle I would cut on the sides then I drew a vertical line 5 inches form the back that would be left on each side to create the power box.
Cut Sides

I cut the sides out using a saber saw.

I used screws to attach the sides by pre-drilling and counter sinking then gluing and screwing.
This is fast and easy but as it involves screwing into plywood edge grain, it's not the strongest a better effect could be achieved with more time by using a box joint.
Make the Cord Holding Plate

The heart of the station is the cord plate. It holds the charging cords and separates the charging bed from the power strip. I intentionally did not make it flush with the bed, leaving a gap so hopefully any small items that get into the power box will slide out.
To make the charge plate, I marked out 5 evenly spaced holes 3/4 of the way down the plate. Then I used my saw to make slits wide enough for each cord to slide into the hole.
Final Assembly

Using the same method I attached the charge plate to the front of the charge box.
I decided not to make a back for the charge box as it is not necessary.
I was careful to preserve the routerings from the cabinet door in order to hold the lid in place but in absence of this, hinges would probably work nicely to hold the top on.
Finally, add the power strip inside the charge box and run your cords into the power plate.
This charge station is a much more organized solution to how to charge devices. It has been a big improvement in my day to day efficiency and I would highly recommend building something similar.
If there is demand I may make a nice CAD blueprint and upload it here..