Desk Clamp Lamp

Inspired by the shape of the classic articulated desk lamp and also a host of stylish galvanized pipe lamps, I arrived at the Desk Clamp Lamp. This is a simple, robust and reasonably cheap desk lamp that can be built entirely with parts readily available at your local Home Depot. The other nice thing about this lamp is that it is easily reconfigurable to meet your needs. For instance, if you want it to be slightly taller or extend slightly farther, simply modify the legnths of the galvanized pipes. In this way, the Desk Clamp Lamp can be made uniquely your own.
Lamp Parts

Materials you will need:
(x1) 12" x 3/4 galvanized pipe
(x1) 8" x 3/4 galvanized pipe
(x1) 6" x 3/4 galvanized pipe
(x1) 2.5" x 3/4 galvanized pipe
(x2) 3/4 galvanized nipple connect
(x3) 45 degree x 3/4 galvanized bracket
(x2) 90 degree x 3/4 galvanized bracket
(x1) Adjustable 3/4" pipe clamp
(x1) 3/16" x 3" toggle bolts
(x1) #10 washer
(x1) Halogen track light head
(x1) 8' replacement lamp cord
(x2) 3/16" - 3/32" heat shrink tube
Tools you will need:
(x1) Dremel
(x1) Screwdriver set
(x1) Soldering iron
(x1) Heat gun
Twist Together

Twist the galvanized pipes together as shown in the picture.
Attach Clamp

Attach the pipe clamp to the bottom of the 12" pipe.
Snake the Cord

Snake the cord through the galvanized pipe starting from the end with the 12" pipe.
Keep in mind that this may be easiest if you untwist some of the connections and then retwist them after it is passed through.
Take Apart the Track Light

Remove the screws from the plastic connector base of the track light and begin to take it apart.
Cut the two wires free from the bottom of the base plate, and pull the lamp cord out from the hole in the U-bracket.
Cut Off the Base

Use a dremel to cut the nut on two sides to free it from the bolt. The plastic connector base should now be free from the metal U-bracket attached to the light. Discard the parts from the plastic connector base.
Wire It Up

Slide heat shrink tubing onto the white and black wire from the power cord.
Solder the white wire from the light to the white wire from the cord.
Solder the black wire from the light to the black wire from the cord.
Insulate both connections with heat shrink tubing.

Attach a toggle bolt to the light's bracket.
Insert the toggle bolt into the end of the lamp structure until it locks in place.
Fasten the light bracket firmly to the lamp structure by tightening the bolt.
Insert the Bulb

Insert the halogen bulb into the light socket.
Use It

Clamp the lamp to the edge of your desk and plug it in.