Demonstration Speech

by jonathontawzer in Outside > Hunting

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Demonstration Speech


My name is Jon Tawzer.

Today I am going to help you get more ducks and geese into your spread this season. People are going to be jealous of all the birds that you have been getting this season. So today I am going to be teaching you how to set up your duck and goose spread for the upcoming season. Next season you will be spending more time shooting and piling up birds instead of just sitting there not getting anything to come into your spread.

Type of Decoy That We Will Be Using.

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The type of decoy that we will be using is called a divebomb decoy. This is a silhouette version of a goose decoy. They are very easy to set up and take down in a matter of minutes. They save up on a lot of space and are very affordable. These types of decoys work very well and have been proven to kill lots of birds over the past few years.

Equipment That You Need to Get Started.


Here are the things that you will need to get started on making your perfect duck and goose spread. Need to get some camouflage clothing, a ground blind to hide in, at least one-two dozen duck and goose decoys, a duck mojo and finally a field to set up your spread in and start hunting.

Getting Equipment Ready the Night Before.


The first step to getting ready to set up your perfect spread is to find a field a couple day in advance and getting all your gear and stuff ready to go. When finding your field, make sure that you can get permission to go out there and hunt. When you have gotten permission for the field make sure to scout it over and figure out what time the birds are going into the field and where are the birds feeding at. The night before make sure that all your gear is ready to go and that your decoys and ground blind are ready to hit the field.

Planning a Spot to Set Up Your Decoy Spread.


When arrival at the field the next morning make sure that you are there plenty early before the birds start showing up. Head to the part of the field where the birds have been feeding and set up a plan on where to set up the decoys and where to place the ground blinds.

Setting Up Your Decoys.

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Now that you have chosen the spot on where to set up at start setting up your spread and placing your ground blind at where the best spot for you to hide is. When setting up your spread make a sort of v shape. The reason why to create this v shape is because you want to make a sort of pocket for the birds to land in. When placing your ground blind, make sure to set your blind where the birds are going to land at so you can get your best shot at the birds when they are coming in.

Placing Your Ground Blind.


Once you have set up your decoys and placed your ground blind you need to go park and hide your pickup and anything else that is un natural to the birds. You want to pick up all your decoy bags and put them in your pickup and anything else that you do not need while you are out there. Then park your vehicle about a mile away from your spread is setup at. When parking your vehicle, try to hide it as best as possible. Try and put it maybe behind a tree belt or behind a shed of some sort.

Final Check to Make Sure Everything Is Ready to Go.


Now that your vehicle is hidden walk back to your spread. Now that your back it should be getting light out and the birds should be arriving at any moment. It is a little light out now, check over your spread make sure no decoys are tipped over, your blind is hidden really good and everything is setup properly. Everything is setup and ready. It is now time to get into your blind and hide and wait for the birds to start showing up into your spread.