Deep Sea Living Solutions

The sea, as we know it, covers most of planet earth, 71% to be exact. We ought to utilize this 71% of earth to our advantage, which is why I propose living in the deep sea in a typhoon submarine.

In support of this project, I have employed Fusion 360 software and I have used an engineer's perspective.
The Design

I designed this typhoon submarine using Fusion 360. While I was designing, I kept in mind the extreme pressure levels of the deep sea and therefore, I have designed the submarine to be resilient to this particular environment.
Why a Submarine?

Submarines are superior to ships since they weather storms better, due to their underwater position.
Food Source

By means of aquatic farming and deep sea fishing, the sea offers an array of nutritional food.
Power Source

Due to its carbon-free nature and space-optimal fuel (uranium atoms), a nuclear reactor makes for an ideal typhoon submarine power source.
Oxygen Source

Due to the simple solution of oxygen concentrators, obtaining oxygen is of little to no reason for concern.

Through the use of radar navigation, the typhoon submarine will be able to navigate through the dark seabed of the ocean with ease.

A typhoon submarine which is designed to withstand deep water pressures, equipped with oxygen concentrators, radar navigation, and a nuclear power source, would make for an excellent habitat able to withstand extreme conditions.