Decorative Pumpkins

There's nothing that screams "Halloween" more like that iconic orange round pumpkin. But, if the traditional orange isn't quite enough to get your scare on for this autumn season, try adding flowers or ribbons for a fun personified approach! It's more than just painting, and it's more safer than regular carving!

You will need the following materials...
- pumpkins
- ribbons
- fake flowers
- screwdriver (not pictured)
- hot glue gun (not pictured)
Flower Pumpkins

To make your flower pumpkins, first take a screwdriver and randomly poke holes around the pumpkin. I find it easy to poke several holes that are not too far apart but not too close. Then, just place your fake flowers right into the holes of your pumpkin.
Ribbon Pumpkins

The ribbon pumpkins are even more easy to make. Just cut several pieces of ribbon that are the same size as the shape and length of your pumpkin. Then, simply hot glue each piece the vertical way to the pumpkin.

Perfect! Now, you can display your decorative pumpkins on your porch for Halloween!