Deadpool Tool Caddy

I made this more for fun than as an actual tool caddy. But I did learn a few things along the way. First and foremost sculpting is harder, really hard. Also spray paint and Plasti dip will absolutely destroy bare Styrofoam. Here is a video of the process:

I bought this Styrofoam head at the craft store for $5.

I am not a sculptor. But I thought I would make a few cuts to give him more of a heroic profile. I also defined the jaw line and I cut off the nasal bump between the two nostrils. After I finished all the cuts I sanded the whole thing with 320 grit sandpaper.

I needed to fill in the nooks and crannies of the Styrofoam so I smeared some wood putty on to the whole head. Once this was dry I sanded the whole thing and then reapplied more wood putty as needed. I would also dip my finger in water to help thin out and smooth out the wood putty.

This after 2-3 coats of wood putty and sanding in between each coat with the 320 grit sandpaper.

I added the "nib" as I call it to the back of the head, this is supposed to be the extra fabric of the mask that hangs loose. I wish I could have done this better it needed to be wider and flatter and blended in better. But ultimately considering the intended use for this I let it slide and pushed ahead with the project. I hot glued this into place and used wood putty to blend it in and sanded it smooth with 320 grit sandpaper.

I bought a pair of glasses from the dollar store and drew the shape of the eyes/lenses of the mask. The lenses just pop out of the frames with a little force. Just wiggle it back and forth and eventually the lenses just pop right out.

I used a Dremel tool to cut out the rough shape and then my belt sander to refine the shape. The last pic shows the end result.

I used white spray paint to pain the lenses both front and back. I also used a heat gun to add a slight curve to the lenses to better fit the contour of the Styrofoam head. I heated up each lenses while I held the end with pliers and then bent it over a smooth handled screw driver until I achieved the desired shape.

In this step I brushed on a layer of Mod Podge to seal the entire surface. This is important because spray paint will destroy Styrofoam so I made sure to get every nook and cranny.

Once the Mod-Podge was dry I sprayed the entire surface with Plasti-Dip.

Then I taped off the black areas of the mask prepping it for the red paint. I used a photo for reference as to the shape. There are many variations to the shape of the mask, I was shooting for symmetrical.

I used about 2 coats of red spray paint on the Styrofoam head.

Once the lenses were dry I hot glued them in place. I made a mount to hold the head in place. The mount is a 3/4 inch thick piece of wood cut in to the shape of a heart. It has a 1 inch dowel attached to it with a screw from the bottom. The head slides on to the woodedn dowel.

Now the fun part adding the tools to the tool caddy. Ideally I will use this to hold the different tools and drill bits that I am using for a particular project. As opposed to have them strewn about my garage and work surfaces.

This is impractical but it was fun to make.