Davis Van ISS Weather Station With Raspbe
by guidocioni in Workshop > Home Improvement
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Davis Van ISS Weather Station With Raspbe

In this project I'm going to document my journey trying to set up a Davis Vantage Vue weather station continuously updating data on the internet with the help of a Raspberry Pi 4. You may say: there are a lot of projects like that on the internet! And you may be wrong :)
In this project we're going to use ONLY the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) of the Vantage Vue (which is sold separately for about 100 euros less than the kit including the console) and a RTL-SDR type receiver to get the sensor data. This way we'll be able to save a lot of money as a normal setup would need to have at least the console (to receive the data) and the USB datalogger from Davis (to interface with any software).
We're going to use Weewx (https://www.weewx.com/) to manage the weather station data. It is an amazing piece of open-source software which lets you connect basically every weather station that you can find on the market. Notably, it lets you use an RTL-SDR dongle to intercept data transmitted from a Davis Station (but really you could also get any data transmitted by a "normal" weather station) on the 868 MHz band (I'm based in Europe but it will work in a similar way for people in the US).

- NooElec NSDR Nano2+ RTL receiver - 35 EUR (but you can use whatever you have available)
- Davis Vantage Vue ISS - 269 EUR
- Raspberry Pi 4 4GB, Power Adapter, SD Card - I paid 80 EUR for a complete set also with case
- BME280 Pressure and temperature sensor (optional) - 15 EUR
- Lots of patience
Install WeeWx
NOTE: this assumes that you have a working installation of Debian or Ubuntu on the Raspberry PI. If that's not the case you can just check one of the thousand guides that explain how to perform a first setup. I will mainly work for the terminal so you can perform the following operations either connected via SSH or directly on the raspberry terminal.
Installing WeeWx is fairly easy. I followed the instructions for Debian (https://www.weewx.com/docs/debian.htm) and used the installation method with apt. Take note of the installation folders because we'll need that later.
executable: /usr/bin/weewxd configuration file: /etc/weewx/weewx.conf skins and templates: /etc/weewx/skins sqlite databases: /var/lib/weewx/ generated web pages and images: /var/www/html/weewx/ documentation: /usr/share/doc/weewx/ examples: /usr/share/doc/weewx/examples/ utilities: /usr/bin/wee_*
You can use the "Simulator" station to start with while we set up the rtldavis executable, which will take most of our time.
Once finished the installation a daemon will already be running in the background: you can check that by doing
systemctl status weewx
In order to reach the webpage of the station you either need to configure a web server/reverse proxy (to access directly the web page to the same machine where weewx is running) or just set up a copy of the files into a FTP server (optional step). The HTML pages created by weewx are nothing but pure static content created on a user-defined interval so you can put them wherever you want.
I only had to install lighttpd to see the webpage
sudo apt install lighttpd
it will look for files into /var/www/html and, as weewx copies its files into /var/www/html/weewx, you'll be able to reach the webpage at raspberry-pi-local-ip/weewx.
You'll see the data update after the first 5 minutes. Don't worry, we'll change this ugly skin in a minute :)
Install RTL Drivers
This step really depends on the system that you're using, but in theory you should only need to install some packages from apt and make some correction to the udev rules. The final goal is to have a working installation of RTL-SDR which can recognize your dongle.
NOTE: you don't have to use the Noeelec NANO: any RTL-SDR dongle with the RTL2832U chip will work. This happened to be the smallest and cheapest receiver that I could find in Germany.
Start by installing the drivers.
sudo apt install rtl-sdr
Now we have to set some rules.
echo 'blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu' | sudo tee – append /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dvb_usb_rtl28xxu.conf
Then go into /etc/udev/rules.d and create a new file (with sudo) called rtl-sdr.rules, with the content from this file https://osmocom.org/projects/rtl-sdr/repository/rtl-sdr/revisions/master/entry/rtl-sdr.rules.
It should be everything; if you now execute rtl_test into the command line you should be able to see something like this
$ rtl_test Found 1 device(s): 0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Supported gain values (29): 0.0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6 [R82XX] PLL not locked! Sampling at 2048000 S/s. Info: This tool will continuously read from the device, and report if samples get lost. If you observe no further output, everything is fine. Reading samples in async mode...
If you have troubles make sure to follow the RLT-SDR blog installation here https://www.rtl-sdr.com/tag/install-guide/ (scroll to Install on Linux)
Install Rtldavis
This is the step that took me the longest, as it is poorly documented. rtldavis is a program initially created by
Douglas Hall (https://github.com/bemasher/rtldavis) who unfortunately hasn't been able to maintain it. Luckily
Luc Heijst forked the repo (https://github.com/lheijst/rtldavis) and added some new corrections and the European frequencies, which we're going to need. That's the one that we're going to use, together with the driver for weewx (weewx-rtldavis), which is needed to translate the data read by rtldavis into a LOOP packet that weewx can use.
We'll start by installing rtldavis and testing it .
First of all install golang
sudo apt-get install golang git cmake
Then install librtlsdr-dev manually: this is a requirement, otherwise rtldavis will not work.
cd /home/pi git clone https://github.com/steve-m/librtlsdr.git cd librtlsdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Change some lines into your profile file
sudo vim ~/.profile export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go export GOPATH=$HOME export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin source ~/.profile
Now get the rtldavis package
cd /home/pi go get -v github.com/lheijst/rtldavis
and compile the source
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lheijst/rtldavis git submodule init git submodule update go install -v .
If everything goes well you should find a new folder in your home with the executable inside /home/pi/bin/rtldavis.
Make sure to install librtlsdr-dev as showed before; if you use the one packaged in your system you'll not see an error, but instead a message (allocating zero copy buffer) and the executable will not produce anything.
Set Up Rtldavis
We're going to test the executable alone to see that everything's working fine. Most importantly we NEED to find the right frequencies. The go package has some EU frequencies hardcoded (868077250, 868197250, 868317250, 868437250, 868557250) but those will likely not work for you out of the box because of some discrepancies.
Go into /home/pi/bin/ and tun this command
./rtldavis -startfreq 868000000 -endfreq 868600000 -stepfreq 10000
This will scan the entire frequency spectrum where the station should transmit (you already turned the ISS sensors on, haven't you?). It will take a while but you should see some frequencies where the transmission is
10:10:31.123820 rtldavis.go VERSION=0.15 10:10:31.124130 tr=1 fc=0 ppm=0 gain=0 maxmissed=51 ex=0 receiveWindow=300 actChan=[0] maxChan=1 10:10:31.124179 undefined=false verbose=false disableAfc=false deviceString=0 10:10:31.124216 TEST: startFreq=868000000 endFreq=868600000 stepFreq=10000 10:10:31.124687 BitRate: 19200 10:10:31.124738 SymbolLength: 14 10:10:31.124773 SampleRate: 268800 10:10:31.124807 Preamble: 1100101110001001 10:10:31.124841 PreambleSymbols: 16 10:10:31.124875 PreambleLength: 224 10:10:31.124909 PacketSymbols: 80 10:10:31.124943 PacketLength: 1120 10:10:31.124977 BlockSize: 512 10:10:31.125010 BufferLength: 2048 Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner 10:10:31.525099 Hop: {ChannelIdx:0 ChannelFreq:868077250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} Exact sample rate is: 268800.001367 Hz 10:10:31.698617 GetTunerGain: 0 Db 10:10:31.698697 SetFreqCorrection 0 ppm Successful 10:10:31.702138 Init channels: wait max 17 seconds for a message of each transmitter 10:11:07.580455 TESTFREQ 1: Frequency 868000000: NOK 10:11:25.519440 TESTFREQ 2: Frequency 868010000: NOK 10:11:43.458467 TESTFREQ 3: Frequency 868020000: NOK 10:12:01.397429 TESTFREQ 4: Frequency 868030000: NOK 10:12:19.337436 TESTFREQ 5: Frequency 868040000: NOK 10:12:37.276475 TESTFREQ 6: Frequency 868050000: NOK 10:12:55.215505 TESTFREQ 7: Frequency 868060000: NOK 10:13:13.154774 TESTFREQ 8: Frequency 868070000: NOK 10:13:31.093651 TESTFREQ 9: Frequency 868080000: NOK 10:13:49.032647 TESTFREQ 10: Frequency 868090000: NOK 10:14:06.971697 TESTFREQ 11: Frequency 868100000: NOK 10:14:24.910614 TESTFREQ 12: Frequency 868110000: NOK 10:14:27.099174 TESTFREQ 13: Frequency 868120000 (freqCorr=0): OK, msg.data: 80014D272907E6A4 10:14:39.912796 TESTFREQ 14: Frequency 868130000 (freqCorr=1031): OK, msg.data: 90058B09F39525CB 10:14:57.851600 TESTFREQ 15: Frequency 868140000: NOK 10:15:15.790642 TESTFREQ 16: Frequency 868150000: NOK 10:15:33.729646 TESTFREQ 17: Frequency 868160000: NOK 10:15:51.668677 TESTFREQ 18: Frequency 868170000: NOK 10:16:09.607740 TESTFREQ 19: Frequency 868180000: NOK 10:16:27.546769 TESTFREQ 20: Frequency 868190000: NOK 10:16:45.486136 TESTFREQ 21: Frequency 868200000: NOK 10:17:03.425139 TESTFREQ 22: Frequency 868210000: NOK 10:17:21.364168 TESTFREQ 23: Frequency 868220000: NOK 10:17:39.303185 TESTFREQ 24: Frequency 868230000: NOK 10:17:46.975373 TESTFREQ 25: Frequency 868240000 (freqCorr=1170): OK, msg.data: E0045ACB030E7D35 10:17:59.788122 TESTFREQ 26: Frequency 868250000 (freqCorr=2130): OK, msg.data: 50075FFF730024FC 10:18:17.727103 TESTFREQ 27: Frequency 868260000: NOK 10:18:35.666147 TESTFREQ 28: Frequency 868270000: NOK 10:18:53.605043 TESTFREQ 29: Frequency 868280000: NOK 10:19:11.544189 TESTFREQ 30: Frequency 868290000: NOK 10:19:29.483189 TESTFREQ 31: Frequency 868300000: NOK 10:19:47.422126 TESTFREQ 32: Frequency 868310000: NOK 10:20:05.361277 TESTFREQ 33: Frequency 868320000: NOK 10:20:23.300354 TESTFREQ 34: Frequency 868330000: NOK 10:20:41.239652 TESTFREQ 35: Frequency 868340000: NOK 10:20:59.178850 TESTFREQ 36: Frequency 868350000: NOK 10:21:06.849820 TESTFREQ 37: Frequency 868360000 (freqCorr=2310): OK, msg.data: 80046326B9066F1D 10:21:06.851418 TESTFREQ 38: Frequency 868370000 (freqCorr=3070): OK, msg.data: 80046326B9066F1D 10:21:24.789923 TESTFREQ 39: Frequency 868380000: NOK 10:21:42.729097 TESTFREQ 40: Frequency 868390000: NOK 10:22:00.668286 TESTFREQ 41: Frequency 868400000: NOK 10:22:18.607461 TESTFREQ 42: Frequency 868410000: NOK 10:22:36.546700 TESTFREQ 43: Frequency 868420000: NOK 10:22:54.484625 TESTFREQ 44: Frequency 868430000: NOK 10:23:12.423892 TESTFREQ 45: Frequency 868440000: NOK 10:23:30.363085 TESTFREQ 46: Frequency 868450000: NOK 10:23:48.302206 TESTFREQ 47: Frequency 868460000: NOK 10:24:06.241397 TESTFREQ 48: Frequency 868470000: NOK 10:24:13.915688 TESTFREQ 49: Frequency 868480000 (freqCorr=3727): OK, msg.data: A00552752B01A3E9 10:24:26.727222 TESTFREQ 50: Frequency 868490000 (freqCorr=4422): OK, msg.data: E00455CB010B9F1C 10:24:44.666628 TESTFREQ 51: Frequency 868500000: NOK 10:25:02.605734 TESTFREQ 52: Frequency 868510000: NOK 10:25:20.544182 TESTFREQ 53: Frequency 868520000: NOK 10:25:38.483333 TESTFREQ 54: Frequency 868530000: NOK 10:25:56.422456 TESTFREQ 55: Frequency 868540000: NOK 10:26:14.361597 TESTFREQ 56: Frequency 868550000: NOK 10:26:32.300674 TESTFREQ 57: Frequency 868560000: NOK 10:26:50.240205 TESTFREQ 58: Frequency 868570000: NOK 10:27:08.179294 TESTFREQ 59: Frequency 868580000: NOK 10:27:26.118451 TESTFREQ 60: Frequency 868590000: NOK 10:27:33.790629 TESTFREQ 61: Frequency 868600000 (freqCorr=3955): OK, msg.data: 500565FF720677CA 10:27:33.790832 Test reached endfreq; test ended
Results will probably vary for you, in my case I immediately saw that there was a frequency shift with respect to the "official" EU frequency of about 50000 Hz, and this was the reason why running rtldavis directly didn't work.
Anyway, after finding your offset you can re-rung rtldavis in receiving mode
./rtldavis -fc 56000 -tf EU -tr 1 -ppm 1
and you should see messages being received. You won't see any data from the sensors yet, but you should see something being printed like this
10:31:27.364138 rtldavis.go VERSION=0.15 10:31:27.365227 tr=1 fc=56000 ppm=1 gain=0 maxmissed=51 ex=0 receiveWindow=300 actChan=[0] maxChan=1 10:31:27.365752 undefined=false verbose=false disableAfc=false deviceString=0 10:31:27.367250 BitRate: 19200 10:31:27.367777 SymbolLength: 14 10:31:27.368256 SampleRate: 268800 10:31:27.368757 Preamble: 1100101110001001 10:31:27.369228 PreambleSymbols: 16 10:31:27.369697 PreambleLength: 224 10:31:27.370163 PacketSymbols: 80 10:31:27.370701 PacketLength: 1120 10:31:27.371174 BlockSize: 512 10:31:27.371642 BufferLength: 2048 Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner 10:31:27.811079 Hop: {ChannelIdx:0 ChannelFreq:868077250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} Exact sample rate is: 268800.001367 Hz 10:31:27.988707 GetTunerGain: 0 Db 10:31:28.049017 SetFreqCorrection 1 ppm Successful 10:31:28.053112 Init channels: wait max 17 seconds for a message of each transmitter 10:31:32.105955 TRANSMITTER 0 SEEN 10:31:32.106099 Hop: {ChannelIdx:2 ChannelFreq:868317250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} 10:31:34.667998 300567FFC1807FAA 2 0 0 0 0 msg.ID=0 10:31:34.668201 Hop: {ChannelIdx:4 ChannelFreq:868557250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} 10:31:37.229970 E00367CB03079EA7 3 0 0 0 0 msg.ID=0 10:31:37.230392 Hop: {ChannelIdx:1 ChannelFreq:868197250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} 10:31:39.793944 50035FFF7101DBB9 4 0 0 0 0 msg.ID=0 10:31:39.794112 Hop: {ChannelIdx:3 ChannelFreq:868437250 FreqError:0 Transmitter:0} 10:31:42.355950 80035E2679071BD3 5 0 0 0 0 msg.ID=0 10:31:42.356254 Hop: {ChannelIdx:0 ChannelFreq:868077250 FreqError:274 Transmitter:0}
You're ready to go to the next step
Install Weewx-rtldavis
Now we can install the rtldavis driver for weewx. Make sure to stop weewx before proceeding further
sudo systemctl stop weewx wget -O weewx-rtldavis-master.zip https://github.com/lheijst/weewx-rtldavis/archive/master.zip sudo wee_extension --install weewx-rtldavis-master.zip sudo wee_config --reconfigure --driver=user.rtldavis --no-prompt
We first need to do some modifications to the hardcoded folder of the binary:
sudo vim /usr/share/weewx/user/rtldavis.py
and modify all the occurrences of /home/pi/work/bin/rtldavis with /home/pi/bin/rtldavis.
Now try to run the driver
sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/user/rtldavis.py
and you should see some output.
Now let's configure the driver in weewx.
sudo vim /etc/weewx/weewx.conf [Rtldavis] cmd = /home/pi/bin/rtldavis -fc 55500 -ppm 1 transceiver_frequency = EU iss_channel = 1 # The values below only apply for Vantage Pro or Pro2 anemometer_channel = 0 leaf_soil_channel = 0 temp_hum_1_channel = 0 temp_hum_2_channel = 0 # rain bucket type (0: 0.01 inch, 1: 0.2 mm) rain_bucket_type = 1 # Print debug messages # 0=no logging; 1=minimum logging; 2=normal logging; 3=detailed logging debug_parse = 0 debug_rain = 0 debug_rtld = 1 # rtldavis logging: 1=inf; 2=(1)+data+chan; 3=(2)+pkt # The pct_good per transmitter can be saved to the database # This has only effect with 2 transmitters or more save_pct_good_per_transmitter = True log_unknown_sensors = True log_unmapped_sensors = True # The driver to use: driver = user.rtldavis
Remember to change the station type to rtldavis in [Station] before rebooting weewx. You can also turn debug=1 and debug_rtld=3 to check that everything is working properly.
Optional: Add BME280 Sensors for Pressure and Inside Temperature

The ISS does not have sensors for pressure, nor it can measure inside temperature and humidity (obviously), so to replicate the original Davis console we need to add these data manually. While Weewx can easily continue running without inside temperature and humidity, pressure is such an important weather variable that it would be a pity not having it into the DB. Luckily you can use a cheap BME280 sensor to enhance the database with pressure, inside temperature and humidity.
First of all we need to turn of the inside temperature and humidity captured by rtldavis
sudo vim /usr/share/weewx/user/rtldavis.py
look for DEFAULT_SENSOR_MAP and comment these lines
#'inTemp': 'temp_in', # temperature of optional BMP280 module #'inHumidity': 'humidity_in',
Then connect the BME280 sensor with the right pins (see attached image) and make sure that I2C is enabled in raspi-config (https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2014/11/enabling-the-i2c-interface-on-the-raspberry-pi/).
Now you can install i2cdetect
sudo apt install i2c-tools
if everything went well you should be able to run the following command and see the output
i2cdetect -y 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1a -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 77
77 is the address of our sensor, which we'll need later.
Now that the sensor is working we need to (you say it) install a weewx driver that can parse this data. Luckily there's already a driver ready to be downloaded: https://gitlab.com/mfraz74/bme280wx/ (note, I use a fork of the original project that reduces logging).
Download and install the driver with
sudo systemctl stop weewx wget https://gitlab.com/mfraz74/bme280wx/-/archive/master/bme280wx-master.zip sudo wee_extension --install bme280wx-master.zip
Then go into the configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf and modify some lines
[Bme280wx] i2c_port = 1 i2c_address = 0x77 usUnits = US temperatureKeys = inTemp temperature_must_have = "" pressureKeys = pressure pressure_must_have = outTemp humidityKeys = inHumidity humidity_must_have = ""
you'll notice we use the same address found with i2cdetect: in case you have a different address you of course need to change it. You can leave the rest as it is. Just make sure that the Engine / Services part of the configuration file has data_services = user.bme280wx.Bme280wx (should be added automatically by the installation).
Restart weewx and you should see the internal temperature and humidity, together with the pressure, being updated.
(Optional) Change Skin and Configuration

I used the skin shown in the picture which includes data and plots of different periods.
You can install it easily by following the instructions here https://neoground.com/docs/neowx-material/installation
Once you installed the skin make sure you change your weewx.conf to only produce HTML pages for the neowx skin:
[StdReport] ... [[SeasonsReport]] skin = Seasons enable = false [[SmartphoneReport]] skin = Smartphone enable = false [[MobileReport]] skin = Mobile enable = false [[StandardReport]] skin = Standard enable = false [[Neow]] skin = neowx-material enable = true
Restart again weewx and everything should work as expected.
You can modify settings of the skin here /etc/weewx/skins/neowx-material. Note that if you press on the "telemetry" link (lower left) you can see the frequency errors, which clearly depend on the temperature, so that you can check if the frequency offset that you chose at the beginning needs to be tuned. You can even check if the battery of the capacitor in the Sensor suite is low or not.
See the screenshot for the values that I have,
(Optional) Where Is the Database/Modifying Values
Unfortunately weewx does not give you the possibility to modify the data directly in the web interface.
However, the data is stored into a simple database file that you can open, view and modify: it can be found in /var/lib/weewx/
here is a sample Python script to read the data
import sqlite3 import pandas as pd con = sqlite3.connect('/var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb') df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from archive", con, index_col='dateTime')#.dropna(axis=1) df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit='s', utc=True) df['outTemp'] = df['outTemp'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['inTemp'] = df['inTemp'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['appTemp'] = df['outTemp'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['heatindex'] = df['heatindex'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['humidex'] = df['humidex'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['barometer']=df['barometer'].apply(lambda x: x * 33.86389 ) df['pressure']=df['pressure'].apply(lambda x: x * 33.86389 ) df['altimeter']=df['altimeter'].apply(lambda x: x * 33.86389 ) df['dewpoint'] = df['dewpoint'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) ) df['inDewpoint'] = df['dewpoint'].apply(lambda x: (x-32.) * (5./9.) )
To modify the data see the article https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Cleaning-up-old-'bad'-data
(Optional) Upload Data Via FTP to a Server
You can use the [[FTP]] skin to upload the data to your website so that you can access the data also on the go, not only in your local LAN.
Just set the settings accordingly
[[FTP]] skin = Ftp enable = true user = ... password = .... server = .... # The ftp server name, e.g, www.myserver.org path = .... # The destination directory, e.g., /weather secure_ftp = False port = 21 passive = 1 ftp_encoding = latin-1
Note that I used ftp_encoding = latin-1 because some servers only accept this encoding. if that's not the case for you just comment this line.
(Optional) Backup the Database
Coming soon...