DIY Walk-in Robe

Since moving we have a large cupboard that is joining to our bedroom, we always had the plan to turn this into some form of walk-in robe. We initially thought about building a fitted cupboard but the cost of this was way out of out budget. We then thought about using the different fitted wardrobes that Ikea does but still out of our price range and did not give us the amount of storage and hanging space we wanted. this is when we decided to create a custom one by using galvanised metal poles and ply wood.

All of the metal for this project was ordered from The Metal Store (LINK) we used 26.9mm Diameter Galvanised Tube with InterClamp clamps, which is more than strong wrought for what we have hanging on them.
The wood from the shelves (18mm Ply) was left overs from a previous project and the wall buttons come from B&Q (LINK)
Links for materials:
Design Process

I spent a lot of time designing the room in Fusion 360 to make sure all the wooden and metal elements would fit in the space. this video shows all the elements that go into the room.
Brackets & Shelves

Brackets & Shelves

finishing studies to mount brackets to the wall for the shelves, this will be reinforced by the wooden upright along with the metal poles once they are fitted.
Link to the brackets (LINK)
Wooden Buttons

Wooden Battens on Walls

I attached wooden battens to the wall and made sure that there was at least one stud behind each one and used cavity wall fixing when needed.
Wooden Battens on Floors

With the battens that are on the floor, I used a small bracket against the skirting board and then used the pressure from the metal pole once installed to hold them in place
Metal Poles

Metal Poles

I spent a long time working in fusion 360 to make sure that I order all the metal poles to the length that was needed, The Metal Store cut the poles to size for you. to be safe I make each one 10cm longer than I thought I would need, this was a good idea in the end as I had a few bits that were miss measured.
Last Minute IKEA Storage Add In's

Storage Boxes & Adding Clothes

Storage Boxes & Adding Clothes

We added some small storage boxed to organise underwear and perjarmers.
These are from (LINK)
Final Outcomes