DIY Phone Charm!

Hi everybody! I’m this post I’ll be showing you how to make a cute trendy phone charm. This craft is easy, quick, and cheap. I hope you enjoy!
• Black or Colored String
• Your choice of beads
• Super Glue
• Your choice of beads
• Super Glue
Tie String

Take your choice of string and cut it so that it’s 24 inches in length. Then fold this string in half and tie a knot about 2 inches down from the fold.
Attach to Phone Case

Now that you've tied your knot you can easily attach your charm to your phone case using a slip knot.
Add Bead

Now, thread both ends of the string though one bead of your choice.
Start Decorating

Using beads of your choice you can start a pattern by threading only one string per bead on both sides.
Finish Decorating
Add as many bead as you like to both ends of the string until you have a preferred loop size.
Tie Off String

Taking both end of the string tie them together to create a loop. After tying you knot put a small drop of super glue on the knot so that it doesn't slip undone.

Trim the ends of your string and hid the knot under one of your beads. And you're done! Thanks for joining me today! I hope you enjoyed this craft!