DIY Laser Tag Using Arduino
by THE UPSTAIRS INVENTOR in Circuits > Arduino
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DIY Laser Tag Using Arduino

I've always wanted to build a laser tag to play with my siblings at home. Since its quarantine and we are so bored, I decided to make a laser tag with arduino.
This instructable will be divided into three parts –
· Steps 1 – 3 - making the vest
· Steps 1 – 3 - making the gun
· Steps 1 – 3 - Electronics
Making the Vest - Part 1 - Supplies

- Cardboard
- Sewing kit
- Shoulder strap from bags
- Bag clips
Making the Vest - Part 2

- Start by arranging the electronics in the cardboard , cut it and paint it .
- Then hot glue or sew the shoulder straps the the cardboard as shown in the picture above.
Making the Gun- Part 1 - Supplies

- Cardboard
- 8 inch long PVC pipe
- Nuts and Bolts
Making the Gun- Part 2

- Measure and cut the handle of the gun as shown .
- Paint the handle with color of your choice
- Attach the handle to barrel as shown with nuts and bolts

Refer the above schematics to solder the components together.
The ir led and the push button goes on the gun whereas the one ir receiver goes on the back of the vest and one ir receiver goes to the front of the vest.
One you have finished soldering , you can upload the code
Remember to download and include the necessary libraries in your folder:
CODE for 1st Vest
#include <IRremote.h> int red_LED = 9; int green_LED = 8; IRsend irsend; int RECVa_PIN = 5; int RECVb_PIN = 6; const int button1 = 4; //trigger void setup() { pinMode(red_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(green_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(button1, INPUT); irrecva.enableIRIn();} irrecvb.enableIRIn();} void loop() { digitalWrite(red_LED, HIGH); if (digitalRead(button1) == HIGH){ timer = 0; delay(50); irsend.sendNEC(0x34895725, 32);} if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { if (results.value == 0x56874159) { digitalWrite(green_LED, HIGH); } }
CODE for 2nd Vest

#include <IRremote.h> int red_LED = 9; int green_LED = 8; IRsend irsend; int RECVa_PIN = 5; int RECVb_PIN = 6; const int button1 = 4; //trigger void setup() { pinMode(red_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(green_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(button1, INPUT); irrecva.enableIRIn();} irrecvb.enableIRIn();} void loop() { digitalWrite(red_LED, HIGH); if (digitalRead(button1) == HIGH){ timer = 0; delay(50); irsend.sendNEC(0x56874159, 32);}<br> if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { if (results.value == 0x34895725) <pre> { digitalWrite(green_LED, HIGH); } }