DIY Game Soldering Kit

This is a DIY game console soldering kit that includes four classic games, each with its own distinctive sound effects. The console allows you to adjust both the brightness and volume for a personalized gaming experience. Furthermore, the console features an integrated design for the casing, making gameplay more comfortable and convenient.
Micro USB Female Socket

Micro USB Female Socket at USB.
Note: Adjacent pads cannot be blocked by tin. Or intsall it after buttons.
Resistor, Electrolytic Capacitor, Ceramic Capacitor

10Kohm Metal Film Resistor at R1; 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor at C1; 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor at C2.
Toggle Swtich

Toggle Swtich at S1.
Note: Soldering iron can’t be in contact with the pins for a long time, otherwise it will damage the black plastic due to high temperature.
DIP-40 IC Socket

DIP-40 IC Socket at U1.
Its notch corresponds to the position of the mark.
Red 3Bit Digtal Tube

Red 3Bit Digtal Tube at LED3.
Note: 3 decimal points at the bottom.
Red 8*8 Dot Matrix Screen

Red 8*8 Dot Matrix Screen at LED1/LED2.
Note: silk screen printing side at the bottom.
Black Button

Black Button at S2-S6.
Ensure that each pin is fully inserted into the soldering hole.
S8550 Transistor

S8550 Transistor at Q1.
Pay attention to the installation direction .

Buzzer at LS1.
Note: the ‘ + ’ pin is positive pole and connect to the ‘ + ’ pad.
Insert STC15F2K60S2

Insert STC15F2K60S2 into IC Socket.
Note: Its notch markings are used to determine the installation direction.
Red Button Cap

Place red button cap on black button.
Metal Battery Connector

Metal Battery Connector with spring is negative pole.
Cut ONE pin from negative.
Insert them to the corresponding position.
All Pins

All pins are bent outward.
Add Soldering Tin

Add soldering tin on the positive and negative electrodes.
But avoid damaging the casing due to high temperature.
Wire Connection

Red wire connect to positive pin and black wire connect to negative pin.
Wire Connection

Red wire from battery box connect to ‘ + ’ pad on PCB and black to ‘ - ’ pad.
3pcs AAA Battery

Install 3pcs AAA Battery.
Note: batteries are not included in packing. Users need to prepare your own batteries.
Black Sponge

Place black sponge on battery.
It’s used to prevent the battery from loosening or damaged by solder pad pins.
Fix the Casing

Adjusting the battery wires and Align screw fix installation holes.
Fix the casing, but do not apply excessive force, otherwise the casing will be damaged.