DIY Doctor Who Theme

by Witheredboi in Living > Music

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DIY Doctor Who Theme

Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.45.48 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.16.18 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.17.54 PM.png

This is a higher quality version of a Chrome Music Lab version of the Doctor Who theme I created a while ago. This version actually has holding notes and effects.

Upon listening to the attached file, you may notice that it is pitched down from my original version. This is partially to keep it copyright friendly for general use, but it also sounds slightly cooler in my opinion.



a Soundtrap account and my previous doctor who instructable.

About Soundtrap

Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.22.59 PM.png

Soundtrap is a free music maker program that has a variety of things to mess with. If you pay for the "full version", you get even more to go with it. Since I have no money lol this instructable goes with the free version.

The Baseline

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Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.27.48 PM.png

The baseline in this version is a piano-type instrument with the reverb turned up. It follows a nearly identical pattern to the baseline of the CML version.

The Melody

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Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.30.31 PM.png

The instrument used here has a much higher customizability than that of the baseline, so you can get much more in the way of variety with this.

Specifics, or at least what is discernable by me, with no knowhow on synths whatsoever, are labeled in the picture.

Sound Effects

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Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 4.41.59 PM.png

This is a synthesizer with both waves set to noise, and a setting called an Automation that lets the volume change, giving it that sweeping sound (On the free version, only one track can have an automation at a time).