Custom Painted AirTag!

by Thatinventorguy in Craft > Art

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Custom Painted AirTag!

Have you ever seen those videos on YouTube about people custom-painting 100 iPhones and giving them away to random people? Well, you can try it for yourself, but on a less-risky scale. Since AirTags are waterproof and pretty much everything-proof, you can spray paint them without worrying too much about them getting ruined. Spice up any AirTag with a really cool custom paint job of your own creation! You can also do this on power bricks, the Apple MagSafe Charger, or anything else like that.



You will need:

-An AirTag or another paintable item of your choice

-Masking tape or Painters tape

-Any color spray paint (optional, only if you want a different color)

-Clear spray paint sealer/finish (you can find this at pretty much any hardware store or craft store)

-Paint Pens/Markers in any color (these are widely available at Target, Walmart, Michael’s, or any other store)

-A box cutter or Exacto knife

-A larger piece of cardboard or other stiff material to spray paint on

Prep Your AirTag

First, you’ll want to unwrap your AirTag and remove the wrapping. Separate the shiny metal back of the AirTag from the white top part of the AirTag and remove the battery so it will not drain during the painting process, and so that the shiny metal part will not get scratched. Set the battery and shiny metal part aside for later. Use the masking tape to tape up the bottom opening of the AirTag so you don’t inadvertently damage it during spray painting. If you are painting on an object such as a MagSafe Charger, make sure to cover the sides of the charger, the rubber charging pad, and a little ways up the cord with masking tape so that it doesn’t get spray painted by accident. Cut off the excess tape from around the edges with your exacto knife after taping. If you want to spray paint your AirTag a different color, set your AirTag on the piece of cardboard and spray paint it whatever color you choose. If you do spray paint it, set your AirTag aside to dry for at least 2 hours before you work on it again. You can also dry the AirTag with a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.

Paint Your AirTag

Next, get out your paint markers and start to draw on the AirTag. Draw out your design however you wish. If you draw letters, I found that it looked way better if I outlined the letters in black marker to make them pop.

***Make sure that you don’t get any paint on your fingertips while painting your AirTag. If you do, it can create smudges in other parts of the AirTag and you will have to rub it off with paint remover. It happened to me…***

Seal/Clear Coat Your AirTag

Next, let your AirTag dry for at least 2-4 hours before doing this step. I clear coated my AirTag too soon after painting and it bled, so therefore I had to spray paint it white and start all over. Put your AirTag on the piece of cardboard and shake up your can of clear spray paint coating. Holding the can directly above the AirTag, spray a quick spritz of coating onto the AirTag. Spray enough so that the AirTag is fully coated, but not enough so that it loosens the paint and damages your artwork. If your art bled or was slightly damaged during the spraying process, let the clear coat dry and touch it up with your paint pen. Let your AirTag dry for an hour, then give it a second coat of sealer. If you touched up your artwork, remember to let your paint dry for at least 1.5 hours before giving it the next clear coat.

Finish Your AirTag

Let your clear-coated AirTag dry for at least an hour before doing this step. Once the AirTag is dry, reassemble the AirTag by replacing the battery and putting in the shiny metal part. If you are giving this AirTag as a gift to someone, cut a tiny strip of paper out and put it over one of the silver battery terminals in the AirTag. Put your battery over the paper, then screw in the metal back part. This prevents the battery from being activated until it is ready for use. All you have to do to re-activate the AirTag battery is to pull the tab and listen for the tone. Place your AirTag back in the packaging and box it back up. Now you have a fully custom painted AirTag! Enjoy!