Custom Cut IKEA Cordless Blinds
by wongman2001 in Living > Decorating
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Custom Cut IKEA Cordless Blinds

I found a over size IKEA Trippevals blinds for $25. Normally, these suckers sell for $65 for large windows. I needed to trim 5", so it's definitely worth it.
Remove End Caps.

These instructions are good for 48" x 76", cutting 5" to fit 33" window width. There are springs & pulleys to be disassemble, be warned ...
First is to remove the end cape from spring end. Take a screw driver and pry off the locking tabs. Use needle nose pliers & unhook the spring.
Drill Out Rivets & Remove Spring Anchor

Take a small 1/16" bit, drill thru the 2 rivets & hammer out the mushroom head rivets, be careful not to break the plastics
Remove Bottom Caps Also

Also remove the bottom end cap, there's a small metal weight inside also. Try to remove it, or push it further down (with stiff wire...etc..) so saw blades wouldn't hit it.
Measure & Cut

Duct tape the cut end to reduce flying metals. Use whatever metal blades or hack saw.
Reattach Spring Anchor

Measure & drill new holes for the plastic anchor. Allow for 1/2" for end cap. Attach with machine screws, and a nut & washer if avail. New position should still be ahead of the draw string holes.
Reduce String Slacks.

I did it the stupid, harder way, but here it is ...
After cutting & spring removal, I found shade off balance & too many string slacks. So I remove the top header, slide it back in with the 2 strings inside the channel. Using needle pliers again, Reduce the string slacks as I slide in.
In hindsight, I could've just remove the bottom and re-tie the damn strings ... sigh ..
Reattach End Caps

Cut off the locking tab if needed, put everything back,
Final Mounting.

This step varies depending on your existing window. Mine was a bath room with granite sills and very nice Anderson window & trims (previous owner was nuts). Too lazy to drill thru stones, so I make some 1x3" blocks just for the mounts. Can't see them once shades are up anyway.
Use whatever unobtrusive mounting you like