Cupie Cute Halloween Themed Doll

My favorite season is Fall! Why? Halloween!
Every year I make a Halloween themed doll... and this year is my Cupie Doll as the newest member.
In this Instructable I will show you how to create with simple plastic Halloween decorations a cute doll for a fun fright!
Hot glue
Hot Glue gun
plastic doll, mine was about 5 inches tall, and I used a vintage Cupie doll
Plastic Halloween rings, (They have spiders, bats, skulls and all sorts of fun things you can cut off the ring part with wire snips or cutters)
Wire snips or cutters
Rubber bats
Dracula fake teeth
Use anything that is for your theme that is plastic and can be cut or formed, using glue to attach to your doll.
Collect , Sketch, Fit and Cut

I first washed all the plastic and rubber decorations with a light soap and warm water to remove oil and other contaminants. Let them dry completely.
I used a sketch to get an idea of the design and style I wanted to do with the decorations I had in my Halloween stuff.
For other ideas if you have bugs and spiders is to cover the doll, or if you have skeleton plastic parts you could cover the doll in bones. Use your sketches and dream up your ideas before cutting and fit checking your decorations.
I fit checked all pieces I wanted to glue on before the next step.
Cut using a good pair of wire cutters to cut through the plastic that you want to remove. (like the skeleton hands I wanted for the doll).
Hot Glue Each Item

Be careful with the hot glue gun and the hot glue and slowly and carefully place each item on the doll and hold the item in the correct position until the glue cures. THIS MGHT TAKE A WHILE. Be patient.
Place all your decorations and continue until you are done!
Pose and Photo Your Cute Cupie Doll Dracula!

I will pose the doll with other items, take photos and make Fall cards to send out to friends and family... this cute baby will be fun to display at my Halloween party this year!
Have fun making your own Halloween themed doll!