Crying Baby Monitor With Email Notification
by TechMartian in Circuits > Assistive Tech
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Crying Baby Monitor With Email Notification

Maybe you're leaving you're baby at the hands of a nanny or even the day care and being a concerned parent you want to gauge whether he or she is being treated well. This alarm notes the high peaks when a baby is crying and when it passes a certain threshold alerts the user.
I made this project in the hopes of preventing abuse for both children's and toddlers alike and hope that it will make a difference in parent's lives!

* Arduino 101 (because it has a real time clock and Bluetooth low energy)
* Alternatively, Arduino Uno + RTC + Bluetooth module
* Sound Detector Board
* Bluetooth Low energy-capable phone

I/O | I/O Pin # | Wire Colour | Arduino pin# |
Sound Detector Board | VCC | Orange | VCC |
GND | White | GND | |
Envelope | Yellow | A0 |

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <BlynkSimpleCurieBLE.h><blynksimplecurieble.h> #include <CurieBLE.h</blynksimplecurieble.h>>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App. // Go to the Project Settings (nut icon). char auth[] = "795aa10d38cf4a4c987de4be9b6d0de3"; int counter - 0 BLEPeripheral blePeripheral;
void emailOnButtonPress() { // *** WARNING: You are limited to send ONLY ONE E-MAIL PER 15 SECONDS! ***
// Let's send an e-mail given the following conditions if (analogRead(A0)>300) { long logTime = time(); } if (analogRead(A1)>300 && (time() - logTime() > 300){ counter +=1; Serial.println("Dog / Baby is Overheating in the Car!!!"); // This can be seen in the Serial Monitor"", "Subject: BABY Crying for over 5 minutes", "Your Baby could be in danger or being abused!!!"); } }
void setup() { // Debug console Serial.begin(9600);
blePeripheral.setLocalName("TechMartian"); blePeripheral.setDeviceName("TechMartian"); blePeripheral.setAppearance(384);
Blynk.begin(blePeripheral, auth);
blePeripheral.begin(); }
void loop() { blePeripheral.poll();; }
App Making

Follow the images above on how to setup your own application.
* Grab the following widgets:
- Notification
* Connect to your device.
* Add your email address
* Click Run
That's it, you're done. Enjoy!