Undercover Spy Book Rubber Band Launcher
by funtogether in Living > Toys & Games
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Undercover Spy Book Rubber Band Launcher

After I discovered that my friends did not fully appreciate being shot with rubber bands, my only alternative was to shoot them and then look them in the eye with a calm look of defiance on my face. This was actually very impressive considering that it is hard to look calm and defiant while running backwards so fast. I only had to hope that my backwards running skills were better than their forward sprinting skills. After several repetitions of this difficult and possibly unsafe experience, I decided to find a better way. I asked myself, "What if my friends didn't know it was me who shot them?" "What if I was just an innocent bystander when the 'injustice' occurred?" "What if a could disguise a rubber band gun as a book?" Thus I invented the CSRBL, a.k.a. the Covert Spy Rubber Band Launcher.

Clothes Pin
Pair of Pliars
Hollow Book- At Least 1" Thick and 7" Long. https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Secret-Hollow-Book/
Hot Glue Gun
Razor or Xacto Knife
Rubber Bands- Shorter/Smaller is Better
Note-"All measurements are approximated, and should be taylored to your specific book."
Warning-"Be careful around razors, Xacto blades, and other sharp, hot, or potentially dangerous things(hot glue gun, etc.)."
Note-"Have fun!"
Preparing Your Hollow Book Safe

Preparing Your Pen


Final Assembly and Firing Instructions

As best you can, mark a point on the outside of the book that is directly above the controlling end of the clothespin. Using a razor, or x-acto knife, cut a hole through that spot, so that you can, through the book, press the clothespin open with any reasonably skinny object (pen, toothpick, etc.). Load the CSRBL the same way you would load an ordinary rubber band gun. To fire, simply point the Covert Spy Rubber Band Launcher at some unsuspecting target, press the clothespin using a pen, toothpick, etc., and quickly drop the end of the book to hide the fact that there is a 1"X1" hole in the end.
Happy hunting, and enjoy not having to enact drastic evasive procedures during your next rubber band operation!