Concrete Table With Flower of Life in Resin
by svepa in Workshop > Furniture
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Concrete Table With Flower of Life in Resin

In this Instructable i will show you how i made my concrete coffee table with a flower of life in resin.

- Hard foam plate 125 cm x 60 cm x 40 mm (
- reinforcement steel 8mm x 200mm (
- screed concrete (
- Wireframes
- epoxy resin (
- resin pigments
- CNC machine Shapeoko 2 or other
- EstlCam
- angle grinder
- some old woodplates (from old wire spools)
- construction bucket
- trowel
- orbital sander
- some double-sided adhesive tape
The Mold

First, the mold is milled with the help of my shapeoko 2 CNC.
I have chosen the flower of life as a motif.
The hard foam plate is glued to the milling table with the help of the double-sided adhesive tape.
Then I milled the mold with the help of EstlCam.
The Feets

After that I milled a help for welding the feet.
Now it's time to cut and weld the feet.
I fixed the feet with hot glue.
Pictures say more than a thousand words.
Assemble Components

Now the feet, the mold and the wire mesh are assembled and aligned.
Pour Concrete

Before I put the feet in the mold, I used a measuring cup and water to see how much concrete I needed to mix.
Mix the concrete as instructed and pour it into the mold.
I use the orbital sander to shake the bubbles out of the concrete.
Now just wait until the concrete is hard and remove the table from the mold.
Removing the Mold

Removing the mold was more difficult than expected.
Next time I will spray the mold with a release agent beforehand.
I first removed everything by hand as best I could with the help of a spatula.
So I brushed the rest with acetone.
I removed the dried remains with the cordless drill and a wire brush.
Painting the Legs

I then masked off the table top and painted the legs of the table with protective metal paint.
Epoxy Resin Casting

First, I measured out 1L of water and poured it into my table. In the process, I came up with 700ml volume.
With the help of an epoxy calculator I calculated how much epoxy I need to mix. (
Then I put the table in balance.
I mixed the following epoxy according to the manufacturer's instructions and mixed in 10g of pigment powder.
Then just poured everything into the table and let it cure.
Sanding the Epoxy

The final step. :)
Sand down the resin and polish.
For this I have done with my belt sander and a coarse sandpaper the gobe work.
Then I polished the table to a high gloss with the orbital sander and increasingly fine sandpaper.
I used this sandpaper in the wet sanding process. (