Collapsible Sports Cup

A handy collapsible cup that is easy to make. It is very compact and lightweight for outdoor sports such as hiking or camping.
plastic sandwich bag, aluminum foil, duct tape, and scissors
Making the Inside of the Cup

Cut the sides of the sandwich bag and cut off the zip locks, then fold the plastic over four times. Fold the bottom of the plastic up 1/2”. Seal the fold with duct tape. Then put duct tape lengthwise on both sides.
Making the Outside of the Cup

Wrap the plastic inside in aluminum foil four times, leaving the top of the plastic uncovered. Then fold in both the left and right bottom corners as shown in the photo.
Securing the Aluminum Foil With Tape

Cut the duct tape in half lengthwise and wrap the strips around the foil and very other inch as shown. Be sure to fold the foil up on the bottom of the cup. The crumple or fold the cup up to make it more compact. Congratulations, you now have made a Collapsible Sports Cup.