Collapsible Putting Aid

by Keith_Knaak in Outside > Sports

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Collapsible Putting Aid

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I have recently gotten back into golfing and I wanted to make something that could help with my putting game. I looked at a lot of different ideas but the basic putting aid mat seemed to be what I was looking for. There was only one issue that I saw with many of the designs. Most of them were to large to fit within your golf bag and would need to be carried separately. This got me thinking, is there a way to make the base collapsible enough that it would be able to fit within my golf bag? I wanted to make it simple and easy to put together and take apart.


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There is little supplies that are needed for the mat itself but you do need a few additional things like a set of clubs and a few tees. The set of clubs is pretty obvious since you need golf clubs to play golf, but the tees are actually needed for the mat. You will use your tees and stick them within the holes of the mat. This keeps the mat from moving if you were to accidently hit it. They are also used to keep your stroke straight while your pulling the club back and pushing it forward to inevitably hit the golf ball.



Putting aids have many different uses, whether it is meant to keep the putter straight throughout the stroke, or helping the putter read the greens better. I wanted to solve my biggest issue which was keeping the stroke straight and hitting the ball in the middle of the face. This lead me to making a mat that uses tees as posts for your putter head to go through. I also added lines within the mat to help you look at the face of the putter as you draw it back. This lets you easily see if the face of the putter is opening up or closing within your back swing.


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The size of the mat is a pretty big deal just because you want the edges of the mat to be close to the ball but not to close so it doesn't effect the path of the ball. Also with the stake holes I needed to make sure they fit snuggly around the tees but also not to loose so if you do hit the mat it doesn't shift. The length and width of the mat is a little important but isn't gonna change much if you do change it. As long as the golf ball can lay on the grass and shoot from the mat with no issues.


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The connections are very important to making sure the mat comes together and won't fall apart if stuck by the club face. I also needed to find a way to make the connections look seamless and easy to put together so you can grab it, put it together, and lay down.



I looked at a couple of different designs with different mats and wanted to make it simple, yet make sure it does its job. Some of the mats had different ways that they would stick to the greens but I felt that having stake holes for tees would be the most effective. It keeps a good hold to the ground and has little addition to the size of the mat.