Impossible/Floating Planter (Remix of My Impossible Table)
by lincoln1clarke in Workshop > 3D Printing
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Impossible/Floating Planter (Remix of My Impossible Table)

This is a remix of my circular impossible table, and I was inspired to make it by ADDISCAMILLO. This remix uses the same concept, but it is more stable, and can hold more weight, holding a bigger plant. It is also bigger, so you can definitely put a larger plant in it.
Also, if you want to build an impossible table on its own, you can follow the steps here to build my circular impossible table.
Hopefully you like it, and if you do, please vote for it in the plastics contest at the bottom of this page, I would really appreciate it!
3D printer
(Nylon/Strong) String
Plant (Succulent or cactus is best)
3D Printing It
First, you need to download and 3d print the following STL's. There are 2 ways to do it, you can either print 2 of the circular impossible table legs, 1 circular impossible table planter top, and 1 circular impossible table(those are the names in the files), or you can print 2 circular impossible table legs, 2 circular impossible table and 1 planter pot(those are the names of the files too). With either one, you will have the same result, but the second version allows you to make the pot part a different color than the base on the top. It is also easier to assemble. Slice all of the files at 20% infill and 0.2mm layer height. Once the files are sliced, print all of the parts needed, whether you are doing the first version or the second. I suggest to print them in PLA or another plant based or food safe material, as the plant won't have as many toxins if you use a plant based filament.

The assembly for this version is pretty much the same as it is for the regular impossible table I made. The only difference is that if you are doing the first version, the pot part will be on the top of the upper base. If you're doing the second version, you're essentially building the regular impossible the same way as this one, but gluing on the pot part on the top after it's assembled.(Super glue is good, but make sure you glue it well so no water leaks out.) Either way you're doing it, follow this video. You can also follow these written instructions, but I do suggest watching the video. First, you need to superglue the legs into the notches in the bases, but be careful, because the second leg needs to go through the first like in the picture. Once the glue is dry, you can start tying the strings. Tie the 2 middle strings first, going through the top "leg" holes into the bottom "leg" holes. Make sure the 2 strings are the same length. Then tie 2 (on opposite sides) of the 8 strings from the top base to the bottom base, but turn the top base about an eight so that the strings are on an angle and the legs aren't touching. Then tie the next 2(the quarters) in the same way, still offsetting the top from the bottom by 1 hole. The tie the sixth 2 more across from each other and then the final 2. I used slip knots to tie them and went from the top to the bottom and back to the top, through the loop, and then tied 2 regular knots to keep it there.(The loop in the string that I previously tied was at the top.) Either way you're doing it follow these instructions, and if you're doing the second version, glue the pot part on to the top after you've assembled it the same as in the instructions. (Super glue is good, but make sure you glue it well so no water leaks out.) If you are doing it the first way, it is the same as in the instructions, but instead of having the top base be flat, it has a pot attached on the top of it.
Once you have followed the whole process, the table is done!
Adding the Plant

Now, the both methods come together and their next steps are identical. First, just in case there are any toxins in the plastic, rinse out the pot with warm water and if you want to go a bit further, you can also wash it with soap. Once it is clean, fill the pot wit dirt and plant your cactus or succulent in it, like in the picture.
Maintaining Your Floating Planter

Maintaining your plant is quite easy, but you do have to keep a couple things in mind: First, there are no drainage holes, so it shouldn't leak onto you desk, but that also means that you can't overwater it or the plant will die. Also, remember that 3d printing is a process using layers, so there is a chance of leaking. It shouldn't leak because the dirt will retain most of the water, but if you overwater it a lot, it could leak. If you don't like taking care of plants, you can also 3d print the attached STL in green to have a fake cactus, just bury the base.(I didn't make the fake cactus STL, I found it here) Hopefully you like this project, and if you do, remember to click like, and please vote for it in the remix contest.