
by longwinters in Circuits > Gadgets

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Introducing the Chillanator, it uses a Peltier chip I purchased from deal extreme.
If you have ever set watching TV or reading and looked over to see your drink is all "warm'" well no more with Chillanator.
The total cost of this project was about 10.00 dollars US.

The Peltier chip was 7.00
The fan was one dollar and the LEDs just a few

Order the Stuff

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Unless you want to pay out the nose I suggest you shop around, I have seen people say they have spent as much as 30.00 bucks for one.

I chose to make my own heat sink from scrap copper and brass.

If you are astute you may have noticed the Peltier mounted to 1/2 inch copper, this is not required or important, a friend offered a chunk and go thought I'd give it a try.

I plan to make a new instructable using two chips and will discuss heat removal then.
The fan was from electronic gold mine it's a 12 v squirrel cage design, I think this is far more efficient than a muffin fan because it blows air at a higher rate of flow

Build a Box

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I chose some left over Ash plywood, it seemed the easiest to lay out the base plate first, 1/2 inch birch ply was my choice, I suggest what you have in the scrap bin is probably the best choice.
To make the leg cut outs I screwed the two sides to a scrap of ply wood and drilled a hole using the center seam as a guide

Some Time Savers

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When I was building the box I set some spare prices of wood under the floor plate this helped me determine the correct vent height as well as the best place to locate the switch, and on light.
Since I discovered an old switch that required more than a round hole I hung the box over a clamped piece of ply wood this prevents tearout and allows you to put pressure on the bit with out breaking the box.
I recommend building your box a little larger than you think is required because stuff almost never fit to perfection

Make a Logo

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I just bought an engraver so I thought a cool logo would be nice, I got the idea from Edge lit acrylic sign from this site.
Sorry I can't post a link I'm working on an I Pad.
Just do a search here and the process is explained quite well, to cut costs I ripped a salvaged overhead fan blade made of clear plastic, if you decide to have a trophy shop cut your design don't polish the edges until it's been lettered, smooth edges slip out of the engraver.

The Power Supply

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Peltier chips are power hogs, I am using a 12 volt 8 amp video monitor transformer and it's warm after an hour, not hot but warm, I was going to list the power requirements but when I went to measure the current through the Peltier chip it pegged my swing meter.
Judging by the temperature of the transformer it's safe to assume it's pulling near capacity of it.

Final Thoughts

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This is a fun project, when you first connect voltage to a Peltier it seem like the potential is great, but getting the heat away and figuring out how to use it effectively is more of a challenge than you would think.
I strongly suggest buying several chips at one time, this reduces the fear of "breaking" your only one, plus after you experiment with your first one you'll want to use your new found knowledge to make a better project.
I used JB Weld to secure the chip to the heat sinks, some brass powder was mixed in to help conductivity.