
Hi, this is my entry in the pocket-sized contest!It is a Easter chicken in a jar or bottle.You can always carry it with you!Oh, this is my first Instructable!Oh, and I'm Australain, so any odd terms, ask!This is my entry in the Pocket Contest!
You Need!

You need:
Small jars, eg from an Op-Shop ( a small churchy secondhand shop!)
Easter Chickens, (Everywhere around easter)
A pen/ pencil, ( your desk)
Blu Tack, (officeworks!)
Small jars, eg from an Op-Shop ( a small churchy secondhand shop!)
Easter Chickens, (Everywhere around easter)
A pen/ pencil, ( your desk)
Blu Tack, (officeworks!)

Open the jar and blu-tack the lil' chooks feet!
Stuff It

Shove the li'l fella in there!

Fix him up!Use that pen!
The Lid!

Easy! Put on the lid!

Ta daa!All Done! So that is my contest entry.
Please vode for me, or the one you like most!
Thank you!
Please vode for me, or the one you like most!
Thank you!