Changing Your Vehicle's Oil!
by WyattJohnson00 in Workshop > Cars
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Changing Your Vehicle's Oil!
Are you sick and tired of over paying for expensive shop labor for some of the easiest at-home projects. Well say no more! With the following easy step-by-step instructions, you will be able to change the oil in your own vehicle and will save money doing it too!
Finding Vehicle's Oil Capacity

Grab your operator’s manual, and go to the section of maintaining your vehicle. Look for the fluids and capacities category, and locate your engine option. When you found your engine option, it will say how many quarts or liters you will need when changing the oil. If you are unsure of what engine option you have, use the VIN number of your vehicle at a parts store and they will be able to tell you.
Prepare Vehicle for Draining Process

Before you start any of the filter removal, apply the parking brake to your vehicle. In most circumstances, you will have to jack your vehicle up. In my case, I did not have to because I was changing the oil in my pickup, and it allows me to slide under without lifting it up. After applying the parking brake, locate the oil filter and the oil pan plug. Grab your drain pan and place directly under the pan plug.
Draining the Oil!

Now that you have properly prepare for the oil change, you can now start draining the oil. With a set of wrenches, find the correct size for your drain plug. In this instance, I used a 1/2 inch wrench. Start to loosen the plug with the wrench, and the finish removing the plug with your hands. Once the plug is out, the oil will start to drain rapidly. Let the oil completely drain, and then re-insert the plug. Again, screw in with your fingers and then tighten down with the wrench. As you can see, it can get pretty messy. Grab a shop towel and clean yourself off, as well as the pan plug.
Replacing the Filter


After you have drained the oil from most of theengine and all of the oil pan, you can now move into removing the oil filter. Use the filter wrench to loosen the filter. As soon as you break the seal on the old filter, oil will immediately start to run down from the filter. Place the drain pan beneath the filter before you start loosening the filter. Once the filter is loose enough you can than start using your hand to remove it. Allow the rest of the oil to drain from the engine into the drain pan. Once the oil has stopped draining, you can than put the new filter back on. This will be the same process as the plug. But before you put on the new filter, watch the quick tip video for some key information on proper installation. Screw on the filter with your hands first, and then tighten the filter using the filter wrench. Remove the drain pan from underneath the vehicle, and lower the vehicle down on the ground slowly.
Adding the Oil

Once your vehicle is back on the ground, it is time for the final step and that is to add the new oil. Locate the engine oil cap underneath the hood. Remove this cap and place it somewhere that won’t allow it to become dirty. Place your funnel in the hole, and begin to add your oil. Once you are finished with adding the oil, locate your dipstick and check the level of your oil. Keep adding oil if needed if it is not at the right level. Once at the correct level, put the engine oil cap back onto the engine. Close the hood, and you just successfully changed your vehicles oil!