Cat Coffee Shop

For this concept, I decided to design a movable coffee shop. My goals were for it to be modern, inexpensive, appealing, and easily transportable to allow for a wider demographic of customers. The coffee shop is fit in that of a shipping container, and its dimensions are 20' long x 8' wide x 9'6" high. As outdoor concerts and events are gaining in popularity, this is the perfect pop-up coffee shop for customers looking for a quick pick-me-up. The shipping container is made out of metal, and contains a thin plywood layer underneath luxury vinyl planking for the flooring. Cheap, yet strong and durable plastic/wood shelving and seating/tables allows for a minimalistic and easily disinfected leisure area. Two sides of the shipping container can be lifted open on hinges to allow for a larger outdoor leisure area with shade. And finally, the shop will only source its food and beans from local areas to support its fellow local businesses.